vineri, 20 septembrie 2013

Vinerea Muzicala (14)

Hello, hello!
E din nou vineri! Sunt nerabdatoare pentru sambata, stiti de ce? Vreau sa dorm pana tarziu!Da, din acest motiv sunt fericita!( interesanta viata, nu? :D). Va spun luni daca am dormit sau nu :-)
Yes! It's Friday again!I'm eager for Saturday, you know why? I want to sleep till late! Yup, that's why I'm excited! (boring...).I'll tell you on Monday if that really happened :-)

 Iata propunerile mele de astazi:
Here are my proposals for today: 

1.Eifel 65 - Blue (da ba dee) -stiu ca e o melodie ciudata, dar nu-mi vine sa cred ca au trecut 14 ani de la lansarea ei. Imbatranesc :-D/ It's a cheesy song, but I can't believe 14 year have past since it was released. Wow...I'm getting older :-D

 2. S Club 7 - S Club Party - Din moment ce ne amintim de melodii vechi cred ca pot lista si aceasta melodie in top / Since it's time to remember old songs I think I can put this up too.

3.N'Sync - Bye, bye, bye - Da, este in top. In acel an a fost favorita mea, iar una dintre colegele mele de liceu mi-a facut cadou albumul lor (pe caseta) cu ocazia Craciunului - Mosul Seceret.A fost un cadou superb si o surpriza neasteptata. Multumesc Nico./ Yup, it's here. It was my favorite that year and one of my high school colleagues surprised me with their album(on tape) for our Christmas Secret Santa. it was the best present ever and a huge surprise. I didn't expected it! Thanks Nico.

A fost haios sa imi amintesc de acele timpuri!
Va rog sa imi lasati in comentarii melodiile pe care voi le ascultati in urma cu ceva ani.
Well that was fun remembering those times.
Please let me know in the comments below the songs you listened a few years ago.

See U Soon!