duminică, 8 septembrie 2013

August Favorites / Favoritele lunii august

Hello, hello!
Oficial vara s-a incheiat. Frunzele incep sa cada, temperaturile sunt in scadere, iar copii si adolescentii s-au reintors in oras pentru a se pregati pentru un nou an scolar.
Officially summer has ended. The leafs are beginning to fall, the temperatures are dropping and kids and teenagers are back in town to prepare for the beginning of a new scholar year. 

Insa inainte de a deveni prea nostalgici lasati-ma sa va arat ce am preferat in luna august.
But before we go all to nostalgic let me show you what I've loved this past August.

Majoritatea produselor fac parte din categoria make-up deoarece am incercat cateva produse noi.

Most of the following products are make-up ones because I've tried some new stuff.

Let's start:
Maybelline  Instant Anti-Age Concealer
O colega de serviciu a fost plecata in concediu la Londra si am rugat-o sa imi aduca acest concelear.Il iubesc si e mare pacat ca la noi in Romania inca nu e disponibil.Nuanta este Nude, mai inchisa decat port eu in mod obisnuit, dar fiind vara si avand un bronz usor, s-a potrivit perfect.Are o acoperire medie.
One of my co-workers went to London in her holiday and I asked her to bring me this. I love it so much, it's a shame here in Romania is not available.The shade is Nude, darker than I usually wear, but since it was summer and I had a tan, it was perfect for me.It has medium coverage. 

L'Oreal Lumi Magique Foundation
Acesta a fost un cadou si a stat in colectia mea aproape jumatate de an fara a-l folosi.Nuanta este mult mai inchisa decat ce folosesc eu de obicei si un pic galbena, dar de cand m-am intors din concediu a fost mereu prima mea optiunea (aproape singura care mi se potrivea).
Din pacate nu stiu ce nuanta este (s-a sters de pe ambalaj), dar are o acoperire medie spre mare, in functie de ce cantitate folositi.
This was a gift and sat around my make-up collection almost half a year. The shade it's to dark and yellowish for me,but since I've returned from my holiday it was my "to go" foundation (and the only one that was right for me).
Unfortunately I do not know what shade it is, but has a good coverage, medium to full, depending on how much do you use.

Sleek Face Contour Kit in Light
Incep sa ma descurc la conturarea fetei asa ca am apelat la acest kit aproape zilnic. Imi place ca e un produs 2 in 1, contur si iluminator.
I am getting better at contouring so almost every day I've used this.I like that is a 2 in 1 product,contour and highlight.

Maybelline Color Tattoo in Pink Gold
L-am folosit ca baza si peste el am aplicat fard, iar combinatia a functionat de minune.Combinatia a rezistat pe pleoape mai bine de 14ore.Il folosesc destul de rar singur deoarece am pleoape uleioase si sunt sigura ca mi s-ar strange.
I've used this as a base for my eyeshadow and worked perfect. The combination stayed on my lids for at least 14 hours.I rarely wear it alone because I have oily lids and for sure it will pick in the crease.

Get Me Gorgeous Palette
Din aceasta paleta am folosit foarte des fardul roz (in combinatie cu fardul Maybelline Color Tattoo) si fardul de obraz.Fardurile de ochi sunt pigmentate si au rezistenta medie.In schimb, de fardul de obraz m-am indragostit si a devenit unul din preferatele mele.
From this pallet I've used a lot the pink eye shadow (with the Maybelline Color Tattoo) and the blush. The eye shadows are  good, medium pigmentation. The blush is a beautiful colour and easily became one of my favourites, with super good pigmentation.

AVON SuperShock in Blackberry
Iubesc aceste creioane de la Avon.Acesta e in nuanta blackberry si este foarte moale, prea moale as spune eu.Imi place sa il aplic pe linia inferioara a genelor. Deseori il folosesc si pe pleoapa superioara,in coltul extern al ochiului, cu o pensula unghiulara.

I really love these eye liners from Avon. This one (blackberry) has a shade of warm brown and it's very soft, almost to soft I would say. I love to apply it on my lower lash line.I often use it on my upper lash line to, at the end of my lid. There I apply it using an angled brush.

Real Techniques Brushes: Blush,Deluxe Crease and Base shadow
Daca imi cititi blogul stiti deja ca a mea colectie de pensule s-a marit cu cele de mai sus.Mi le-am dorit foarte mult timp, iar acum sunt disponibile si la noi in tara (MakeupShop.ro).
Pensula pentru fardul de obraz este foarte moale si, chiar daca la prima vedere pare a fi mare, nu este asa.Perii de dimensiuni inegale ofera o aplicare perfecta, exact unde trebuie.
Deluxe Crease o folosesc pentru aplicarea corectorului sub ochi sau in orice loc este nevoie.
Pensula Base shadow este prima mea alegere cand vine vorba de aplicarea fardului pe pleoapa sau in momentul in care incerc sa conturez ochiul in pliu.

If you read my blog you know my brush collection has got bigger with these brushes. I wanted them for a long time and they are now available in Romania. 
The Blush brush is very soft and, if at first you think it's to big, it's not true.The bristles in different sizes make the application easier. 
I use the Deluxe Crease to apply my concealer under my eyes and in any other place I need concealer.
The Base shadow brush is my first choice to apply my eye shadow or to do some contour on my crease.

Tangle Teezer hair brush
Mi-am dorit aceasta perie inca de cand a aparut.Am par lung (nu atat de lung pe cat as vrea :D) si urasc sa-l pieptan (stiu e ciudat!).De cand am citit cele cateva review-uri din blogosfera noastra mi-am dorit una.
Intr-adevar iti descurca parul, insa mai trebuie sa urmaresc efectul pe care il are asupra varfurilor mele (asa cum am citit in unele review-uri de pe siteuri de afara).Pana atunci se gaseste printre preferatele mele.
I wanted this for a long time. I have long hair but I really hate brushing it. Since I've read some reviews I wanted one.
Indeed your hair will no longer be tangled.I still need to try it a few more weeks to see if damages the ends of my hair (tips)(as I read on some reviews). Until then it's in my favourites.

Acestea au fost favoritele mele in luna august.
Care au fost ale voastre?

These were my August favourites.
What were you favourites?

See U Soon!