Asa cum v-am promis astazi va voi arata toate bunatatile ce mi le-am cuparat de la Londra (fara haine, poate intr-o alta postare).
As I promised you today I will show you all the goodies I bought from London (no clothes, maybe in another post).
Acestea sunt produsele pe care mi le-am luat si nu cred ca sunt atatde multe pe cat mi-as fi dorit, dar sunt recunascatoare pentru ceea ce am.
These are the products I bought and looking at them I do not think they are as many as I would have wanted, but I am grateful for what I have.
Toate sunt produse ale brandurilor obisnuite cumparate din Boots, Superdrug, Marks&Spencer sau Poundland.
Sa incepem, ordinea fiind la intaplare.
All are drugstore products bought in Boots, Superdrug, Marks&Spencer or Poundland.
Let's begin, in no particular order.
Imi doream sa incerc deodorantul Mitchum de mult timp. In Romania este disponibila doar varianta roll-on. Miroase foarte dragut, imi place.
Spray-ul crema Vaseline este o lotiune de corp si cred ca este perfect pentru persoanele lenese ca mine. Urasc sa folosesc creme la borcan, asa ca aceasta este o solutie perfecta. E adevarat, tot trebuie masata pentru a intra in piele, dar consistenta sa usoara o face sa intre repede in piele.
Au fost cumparate din Boots, la oferta: cumperi trei si platesti doua.
I wanted to try the Mitchum deo spray for a long time. Here in Romania are available only the roll-on ones. It smells nice, I like it.
The Vaseline spray is a body lotion and I think is perfect for a lazy person like me. I hate getting my fingers in a jar of cream, so this is a perfect solution. It's true, you still have to massage it into your skin, but it has a light consistency and it's quickly absorbed by the skin.
They were purchased in Boots and they had an offer going on : 3 for 2 (buy 3, and the cheapest will be free).
Acesta este un gel de dus Marks&Spencer cu margareta si miroase superb.
This is a Marks&Spencer shower gel with daisy, it smells beautiful.
Imi doream sa incerc acest produs Soap&Glory de multa vreme, dar din nefericire nu am gasit un site care sa livreze aceste produse in Romania. A trebuit sa astept sa ajung in UK pentru a il cumpara.
Este un produs de curatare purifiant ce se maseaza pe piele.
I wanted to try this Soap&Glory product for a long time, but unfortunately I didn't find a website that delivers it to Romania. I had to wait to go in the UK to buy it.
It's a hot cloth purifying cleanser that you massage into your skin.
Tot de la Soap&Glory am ales si acest scrub pentru piele ce miroase fantastic! Iubesc mirosul lui!
Also from Soap&Glory I've purchased this body scrub that smells fantastic! I love the smell of it.
O alta mare dorinta de a mea, crema de fata Hydraluron, un serum cu o concentratie foarte mare de acid hyaluronic ce iti promite o hidratare optima.
Another wish of mine, the Hydraluron face booster, a facial moisture boosting serum whit a big concentration of hyaluronic acid that promises you a great skin hydration.
Ne-am intalnit si cu un compatriot ce ne-a facut cunostinta cu produsele Sakare, produse ce contin minerale de la Marea Moarta. Am luat impreuna cu prietena mea (am imparit cantitatile) sarea abraziva cu minerale, crema de corp cu fructul pasiunii si sapunul pentru fata cu namol. Gama miroase fantastic, in special untul de corp.
We also bumped into a fellow Romanian working for Sakare and he introduce us to this brand, made with minerals form the Dead Sea. I purchased with my friend (we split the quantities) the Deep Cleansing Salt Scrub, the Luxuriating Body Butter in Passion and a Mud Soap. The range smells fantastic, especially the body butter with passion fruit.
Am vizitat si Superdrug de unde mi-a achizitionat cateva produse din gama Zoella beauty: sarea de baie, gelul de dus/spumantul, lumanarea si porfardul cu porcusorul de guineea.
I paid a visit to Superdrug and bought myself some of the Zoella beauty products like the fizz bar, the bath soap, the fragranced candle and the guinea pig pencil case.
Lumanarea este una din favoritele mele, miroase asa de dragut ♥
The candle is my favorite one, smells so cute ♥
Si portfardul este asa de dragut!
And look at this pencil case, it's so cute!
Cel mai dorit corector, Collection Lasting Perfection e in sfarsit al meu. Mi-am cumparat doua sa fiu sigura ca am destul pana la urmatoarea vizita in UK (cine stie cand va fi aceasta :-P )
The most wanted concealer ever, the Collection Lasting Perfection is mine and I bought two, who knows when I will visit again UK.
Tusul gel de la Maybelline este intr-adevar atat de fantastic precum il lauda lumea.Il iubesc si cred ca l-am folosit in fiecare zi de cand m-am intors de la Londra.
The Maybelline Lasting Drama Eyeliner Gel, is as awesome as everybody says. I just love it, I think I used it every single day since I arrived from London.
Urmatoarele doua rimeluri au fost cadouri la cumparaturi. Trebuie sa va spun ca stiu cum sa isi vanda marfa, avand mereu oferte la produse (cuparati doua si primiti unul gratis, cumparati in valoare de ... lire si primiti gratuit acest produs... etc).
Mascara Rimmel era o noua lansare pe piata, la fel si cel de la Barry M.
These two mascaras were gift with my purchases. I must tell you, they know how to sell, they often have deals (buy two products and get one free or buy products valued 10 pounds and you will get one free, buy two for x pounds etc.)
They were new products on the market.
Am cumparat si cateva produse din colectia Tanya Burr, 2 lip glossuri si doua oje.
I also bought a few products from Tanya Burr cosmetic collection, two lip glosses and two nail polishes.
Glossurile sunt Afternoon Tea si Aurora, iar ojele sunt New York Night si Penguin Chic.
The lip glosses are Afternoon Tea and Aurora and the nail polishes are New York Night and Penguin Chic.
Am ales si doua produse Burjois: baza de machiaj matifianta si duo-ul Ciocolata: Bronzer si Iluminant.
I've chose some Burjois Products, namely Happy Light Matte Serum Primer and the Chocolate Duo Bronzer and Highliter.
Am ales si cateva oje.
I also picked a few other nail polishes.
Am ales din colectia Rimmel Rita Ora top coat-ul Pop Art (nu este disponibil pe piata noastra; puteti vedea swatch-urile colectiei AICI si AICI) si o oja inchisa, Black Cherry.
I chose the Rimmel Rita Ora Pop Art top coat (it's not available in Romania, you can see swatches of the collection HERE and HERE) and a dark polish, named Black Cherry.
De la Rimmel mi-am achizitionat si noul produs lansat Rimmel Provocalips un podus in 2 pasi ( ruj si gloss de fixare). Trebuie sa va spun ca este fantastic! Rezista pe buze impecabil toata ziua si toata noaptea.Sper sa fie lansate si in Romania.
From Rimmel I bought one of their new products, the Rimmel Provocalips, a two steps lipstick. I must tell you it's amazing! It stays on your lips all day and all night. I hope they will be launched also in Romania.

Am dat si peste un magazin KIKO care era foarte aglomerat, incat de abia te puteai misca.Am cumparat doar 2 oje.Din pacate nu aveau decat ojele simple, variantele nisipoase nu erau prezente.
I also found a Kiko store that was packed, so many people were there. I only purchased these 2 nail polishes. I'm afraid they didn't have the sand type ones.
Am ales no.523 si no. 287.
I picked no.523 Royal Blue and no.287 Dark Carmine Red .
Am ales si oja Barry M Vintage Violet. Aveau multe nuante si pentru gama Gelly, insa erau nuante puternice si colorate, potrivite mai bine pentru vara.
I also picked a Barry M one, Vintage Violet. They had a lot of shades of Gelly, but they were bright, perfect for summer and I didn't want those colors.
Mi-am cumparat si prima oja Ciate din TK Maxx. Este o culoare perfecta de rosu, nuanta pp016 - mistress.
I also bought my first Ciate nail polish from TK Maxx, . It's a perfect red color, no. pp016 - mistress
Am facut o mica vizita magazinului MAC de unde am plecat cu o varianta mica a pigmentului Vanilla.
I made a short stop to a MAC shop where I only baught a small size of the Vanilla Pigment.
Alte "nimicuri" achizitionate:
Other bits and bobs I bought were the following:
Un prosopel de fata din bumbac / A beautiful face cloth
Cateva forme de silicon pentru acadele din aluat / Some cake pops molds and sticks
O decoratiune mica de perete LOVE / A small wall LOVE decoration
Si cateva dulciuri (foarte putine) pe care nu vi le voi arata pentru ca deja le-am mancat :-P / And some sweets (very few) that I will not show you because we already ate them.
Acestea au fost produsele cumparate. Cateva din acestea le-am folosit in mod constant de cand m-am intors asa ca sper sa urmeze in curand cateva review-uri.
These were the products I purchased. Some of them I used them frequently so I hope I will write some reviews soon.
Voi ce ati fi cumparat de la Londra daca ati fi fost in locul meu?
What would have you bought from London if you were in my place?
See U Soon!
Asa cum v-am promis astazi va voi arata toate bunatatile ce mi le-am cuparat de la Londra (fara haine, poate intr-o alta postare).
As I promised you today I will show you all the goodies I bought from London (no clothes, maybe in another post).
Acestea sunt produsele pe care mi le-am luat si nu cred ca sunt atatde multe pe cat mi-as fi dorit, dar sunt recunascatoare pentru ceea ce am.
These are the products I bought and looking at them I do not think they are as many as I would have wanted, but I am grateful for what I have.
Toate sunt produse ale brandurilor obisnuite cumparate din Boots, Superdrug, Marks&Spencer sau Poundland.
Sa incepem, ordinea fiind la intaplare.
All are drugstore products bought in Boots, Superdrug, Marks&Spencer or Poundland.
Let's begin, in no particular order.
Imi doream sa incerc deodorantul Mitchum de mult timp. In Romania este disponibila doar varianta roll-on. Miroase foarte dragut, imi place.
Spray-ul crema Vaseline este o lotiune de corp si cred ca este perfect pentru persoanele lenese ca mine. Urasc sa folosesc creme la borcan, asa ca aceasta este o solutie perfecta. E adevarat, tot trebuie masata pentru a intra in piele, dar consistenta sa usoara o face sa intre repede in piele.
Au fost cumparate din Boots, la oferta: cumperi trei si platesti doua.
I wanted to try the Mitchum deo spray for a long time. Here in Romania are available only the roll-on ones. It smells nice, I like it.
The Vaseline spray is a body lotion and I think is perfect for a lazy person like me. I hate getting my fingers in a jar of cream, so this is a perfect solution. It's true, you still have to massage it into your skin, but it has a light consistency and it's quickly absorbed by the skin.
They were purchased in Boots and they had an offer going on : 3 for 2 (buy 3, and the cheapest will be free).
Acesta este un gel de dus Marks&Spencer cu margareta si miroase superb.
This is a Marks&Spencer shower gel with daisy, it smells beautiful.
Imi doream sa incerc acest produs Soap&Glory de multa vreme, dar din nefericire nu am gasit un site care sa livreze aceste produse in Romania. A trebuit sa astept sa ajung in UK pentru a il cumpara.
Este un produs de curatare purifiant ce se maseaza pe piele.
I wanted to try this Soap&Glory product for a long time, but unfortunately I didn't find a website that delivers it to Romania. I had to wait to go in the UK to buy it.
It's a hot cloth purifying cleanser that you massage into your skin.
Tot de la Soap&Glory am ales si acest scrub pentru piele ce miroase fantastic! Iubesc mirosul lui!
Also from Soap&Glory I've purchased this body scrub that smells fantastic! I love the smell of it.
O alta mare dorinta de a mea, crema de fata Hydraluron, un serum cu o concentratie foarte mare de acid hyaluronic ce iti promite o hidratare optima.
Another wish of mine, the Hydraluron face booster, a facial moisture boosting serum whit a big concentration of hyaluronic acid that promises you a great skin hydration.
Ne-am intalnit si cu un compatriot ce ne-a facut cunostinta cu produsele Sakare, produse ce contin minerale de la Marea Moarta. Am luat impreuna cu prietena mea (am imparit cantitatile) sarea abraziva cu minerale, crema de corp cu fructul pasiunii si sapunul pentru fata cu namol. Gama miroase fantastic, in special untul de corp.
We also bumped into a fellow Romanian working for Sakare and he introduce us to this brand, made with minerals form the Dead Sea. I purchased with my friend (we split the quantities) the Deep Cleansing Salt Scrub, the Luxuriating Body Butter in Passion and a Mud Soap. The range smells fantastic, especially the body butter with passion fruit.
Am vizitat si Superdrug de unde mi-a achizitionat cateva produse din gama Zoella beauty: sarea de baie, gelul de dus/spumantul, lumanarea si porfardul cu porcusorul de guineea.
I paid a visit to Superdrug and bought myself some of the Zoella beauty products like the fizz bar, the bath soap, the fragranced candle and the guinea pig pencil case.
Lumanarea este una din favoritele mele, miroase asa de dragut ♥
The candle is my favorite one, smells so cute ♥
And look at this pencil case, it's so cute!
Cel mai dorit corector, Collection Lasting Perfection e in sfarsit al meu. Mi-am cumparat doua sa fiu sigura ca am destul pana la urmatoarea vizita in UK (cine stie cand va fi aceasta :-P )
The most wanted concealer ever, the Collection Lasting Perfection is mine and I bought two, who knows when I will visit again UK.
Tusul gel de la Maybelline este intr-adevar atat de fantastic precum il lauda lumea.Il iubesc si cred ca l-am folosit in fiecare zi de cand m-am intors de la Londra.
The Maybelline Lasting Drama Eyeliner Gel, is as awesome as everybody says. I just love it, I think I used it every single day since I arrived from London.
Urmatoarele doua rimeluri au fost cadouri la cumparaturi. Trebuie sa va spun ca stiu cum sa isi vanda marfa, avand mereu oferte la produse (cuparati doua si primiti unul gratis, cumparati in valoare de ... lire si primiti gratuit acest produs... etc).
Mascara Rimmel era o noua lansare pe piata, la fel si cel de la Barry M.
These two mascaras were gift with my purchases. I must tell you, they know how to sell, they often have deals (buy two products and get one free or buy products valued 10 pounds and you will get one free, buy two for x pounds etc.)
They were new products on the market.
Am cumparat si cateva produse din colectia Tanya Burr, 2 lip glossuri si doua oje.
I also bought a few products from Tanya Burr cosmetic collection, two lip glosses and two nail polishes.
Glossurile sunt Afternoon Tea si Aurora, iar ojele sunt New York Night si Penguin Chic.
The lip glosses are Afternoon Tea and Aurora and the nail polishes are New York Night and Penguin Chic.
Am ales si doua produse Burjois: baza de machiaj matifianta si duo-ul Ciocolata: Bronzer si Iluminant.
I've chose some Burjois Products, namely Happy Light Matte Serum Primer and the Chocolate Duo Bronzer and Highliter.
Am ales si cateva oje.
I also picked a few other nail polishes.
Am ales din colectia Rimmel Rita Ora top coat-ul Pop Art (nu este disponibil pe piata noastra; puteti vedea swatch-urile colectiei AICI si AICI) si o oja inchisa, Black Cherry.
I chose the Rimmel Rita Ora Pop Art top coat (it's not available in Romania, you can see swatches of the collection HERE and HERE) and a dark polish, named Black Cherry.
De la Rimmel mi-am achizitionat si noul produs lansat Rimmel Provocalips un podus in 2 pasi ( ruj si gloss de fixare). Trebuie sa va spun ca este fantastic! Rezista pe buze impecabil toata ziua si toata noaptea.Sper sa fie lansate si in Romania.

Am dat si peste un magazin KIKO care era foarte aglomerat, incat de abia te puteai misca.Am cumparat doar 2 oje.Din pacate nu aveau decat ojele simple, variantele nisipoase nu erau prezente.
I also found a Kiko store that was packed, so many people were there. I only purchased these 2 nail polishes. I'm afraid they didn't have the sand type ones.
Am ales no.523 si no. 287.
I picked no.523 Royal Blue and no.287 Dark Carmine Red .
Am ales si oja Barry M Vintage Violet. Aveau multe nuante si pentru gama Gelly, insa erau nuante puternice si colorate, potrivite mai bine pentru vara.
I also picked a Barry M one, Vintage Violet. They had a lot of shades of Gelly, but they were bright, perfect for summer and I didn't want those colors.
Mi-am cumparat si prima oja Ciate din TK Maxx. Este o culoare perfecta de rosu, nuanta pp016 - mistress.
I also bought my first Ciate nail polish from TK Maxx, . It's a perfect red color, no. pp016 - mistress
Am facut o mica vizita magazinului MAC de unde am plecat cu o varianta mica a pigmentului Vanilla.
I made a short stop to a MAC shop where I only baught a small size of the Vanilla Pigment.
Alte "nimicuri" achizitionate:
Other bits and bobs I bought were the following:
Un prosopel de fata din bumbac / A beautiful face cloth
Cateva forme de silicon pentru acadele din aluat / Some cake pops molds and sticks
O decoratiune mica de perete LOVE / A small wall LOVE decoration
Si cateva dulciuri (foarte putine) pe care nu vi le voi arata pentru ca deja le-am mancat :-P / And some sweets (very few) that I will not show you because we already ate them.
Acestea au fost produsele cumparate. Cateva din acestea le-am folosit in mod constant de cand m-am intors asa ca sper sa urmeze in curand cateva review-uri.
These were the products I purchased. Some of them I used them frequently so I hope I will write some reviews soon.
Voi ce ati fi cumparat de la Londra daca ati fi fost in locul meu?
What would have you bought from London if you were in my place?
See U Soon!