duminică, 31 mai 2015

LOTD: Lancome - Debenhams

Stiu, iar a fost o liniste totala pe blog, nu ma voi scuza, nu zic nimic :-D
I know, It has been again total silence on the blog, but I won't excuse myself , I will just let it be :-D.

Cum deja cred ca stiti, Debehams este din nou prezent pe piata din Romania cu primul magazin deschis in Mall Vitan. Are raioane precum beauty&make-up, femei, barbati, copii, casa.
La raionul de beauty&make-up se gasesc gamele Real Techniques inclusiv colectia de pensule bold, produse Revlon, Catrice sau alte marci.

As you all probably know, Debenhams  is back in Romania with their first store opened in Vitan Mall. It has departments like beauty& make-up department, women, men, kids and home.
In their beauty department you can find Real Techniques brushes, including the bold ones, Revlon products as well as Catrice ones or many others.

Pe pagina lor de Facebook am aflat de sesiunile gratuite de machiaj pe care le desfasurau impreuna cu Lancome asa ca am profitat de ocazie si m-am programat la o sedinta de make-up.

On their Facebook page I found out about their free make-up session with Lancome so I took the opportunity and had my make-up done.

luni, 25 mai 2015

LWP (87)

It's been two weeks since my last post, I am sorry for that but life sometimes needs to disconnect from the virtual world, beside I had a busy schedule and I needed to adapt.

This being said let me show you my instagram pictures form the last two weeks.


A new blog post : a NOTD involving @barrymcosmetics @flormarturkiye and @bornprettystorenailart stamping plates - HERE

marți, 12 mai 2015

LWP (86)

Aceasta saptamana stiu ca va fi una inarcata asa ca astept mai putine poze pe constul meu de instagram.
Dar postarea de astazi este plina de poze din saptamana trecuta cand am fost in concediu.

This week I know will be a busy one so I expect fewer pictures on my instagram.
But today's post is full of pictures from last week when I was on vacation.

Beautiful color / Culoare superba 

luni, 11 mai 2015

NOTD: It's time for PINK

Atsazi este vreamea pentru Roz.
Trebuie sa recunosc nu este una din culorile mele preferate, dar in ultima vremea mi-a tot atras atentia. Astfel pentru astazi am combinat mai multe nuate de roz si ceva model stampilat.

Today it's time for Pink. 
I must admit it's not one of my favorite colors but lately it has been catching my eye.So for today i have a combination of pinks and some stamping.

vineri, 8 mai 2015

miercuri, 6 mai 2015

NOTD: Grey combo + stamping

Stiu ca am promis acesta manichiura pe instagram inca de spatamana trecuta, dar a fost o spatamana foarte aglomerata. Din acest motiv manichiura e prezenta astazi pe blog.

I know I promised this manicure on instagram since last week, but it was a busy one.That is why I only show you this today.

marți, 5 mai 2015

LWP (85)

Saptamana trecuta a fost o saptamana incarcata si nu am putut publica postari.
Postarea Blog Sale a fost o postare programata - o puteto gasi AICI.
Last week was a very busy one and I am afraid I was unable to post.
The blog sale was a scheduled post - you can find it HERE.

Astazi ve-ti vedea posle instagram din ultimele doua saptamani!
Please enjoy the instagram photos of the last two weeks!

O noua postare pe blog, un tag cu valoarea fetei mele :-). Mai in gluma, mai in serios va invit sa cititi ce produse folosesc cel mai des in machiajul de zi cu zi - AICI / A new blog post "How much is your face worth?"- RO