marți, 30 iunie 2015

miercuri, 24 iunie 2015

LWP (90)

I know, I know! Last week this post wasn't up, but you can enjoy more pictures this week!

Details HERE

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See U Soon!

luni, 22 iunie 2015

Monday Blues : DUO

A trecut foarta multa vreme de la ultima postare din cadrul colaborarii Monday Blues asa ca aceasta manichiura era necesara.
It's been ages since a Monday Blue post on my blog so it was necessary this manicure.

Este o combinatie intre doua oje Rimmel 60 Seconds, "Let's Get Nude"si "Mind the Gap, Victoria", cea din urma fiind deja prezenta in doua postari Monday Blues AICI si AICI si imi place atat de mult incat o folosesc mereu.

It's a combo between two Rimmel 60 seconds nail polishes, "Let's Get Nude" and "Mind the Gap, Victoria", the blue one already shown to you HERE and HERE, but I love it so much I can't stop using it.

vineri, 12 iunie 2015

Straie noi, dar aceleasi produse

Timpul trece peste toti, pentru unii mai repede pentru altii mai incet.
Fiecare dintre noi se schimba, creste, se maturizeaza, face alegeri mai potivite sau mai putin potrivite, traieste.

In viata fiecare dintre noi ne schimbam (fie ca este coafura, culoarea parului, hainele, produsele de ingrijire sau numele, exista mereu schimbari).

La implinirea a 6 ani de existenta Organic Baby isi schimba numele si devine Rangali, o schimbare binevenita.
Dedicati culturii organice, sub sloganul "Be naturally beautiful" Rangali se adreseaza acum fiecarui membru al familiei si nu doar bebelusilor si copiilor.

Rangali comerciealizeaza o multime de produse cosmetice naturale, de la produse pentru bebelusi si mamici, la produse pentru casa, tineri, adolescenti ori tatici.
Pe siteul Rangali (AICI) gasiti produse naturale de la sampoane, sapunuri, paste de dinti pana la suplimente nutritive, indulcitori naturali sau produse din bumbac organic.

Rangali este importator si distribuitor al peste 22 game de produse importate exclusiv din UK, Franta, Germania, Spania si Italia. Produsele se livreaza door-to-door, in toata Europa, prin curier, direct din stoc si sunt la pret de importator.

Nu pot sa nu metionez produsele Jason (in special pasta de dinti cu efect de albire - am vazut diferenta in urma review-ului Andreei) sau suplimentele nutritive Amazing Grass (despre care am aflat de pe FitFoodFamily).

Asadar daca cautati prooduse organice pentru intreaga familie stiti unde le puteti gasi: . In Bucuresti exista si showroom-ul in str. Ion Bogdan, 26, sector 1, Bucuresti (zona Piata Romana).

See U Soon!

joi, 11 iunie 2015

luni, 8 iunie 2015

Goodies: In ultima perioada / Lately....

Am realizat ca anul acesta nu am nicio o postare cu "bunatatile" achizitionate (nu punem la socoteala postul cu dermatocosmeticele).
Asadar am sa incerc sa va arat in aceasta postare ce am cumparat de la inceputul anului (wow! 6 luni deja). Sper sa aveti rabdare sa cititi tot articolul :-)

I've realized that this year I do not have a goodies blog post (well I didn't count the Dermatocosmetics post).
So I will try to show you here what I have bought since the begging of the year (Wow! 6 months already!). Hope you stay tuned :-)

Daca imi amintesc bine, in ianuarie am cumparat Spuma de curatare Apivita - review AICI -  si scrubul de fata cu ulei de masline.
If I remember well in January I bought the Apivita cleansing - review HERE - and the Olive Oil face scrub.
Au fost cumparate din farmacia Sensiblu de unde am cumprat si o lotiune tonica din gama Boots cu 50% reducere.

They were purchased from Sensiblu pharmacy and I also bought a toner from the Boots range (it was 50% off).

Am cumparat oja Max Factor, preferata mea in acest moment ♥. V-am aratat-o AICI.
I  purchased a Max Factor nail polish, my favorite of all time. I showed it to you HERE .

Am o mica tabla "alba" pe care poti scrie cu o carioca. Nu e asa alba, dar cred ca v-ati dat seama de ce am cumparat-o, nu?
I have a small "white"board but not so white :-) I bet you know why I got it, right?

Sunt mandra detinatoare a primei mele palete MoYou London.
I also purchased my first MoYou London Plate.

Ca o buna colectionara de portfarduri, am adaugat doua noi colectiei mele, amandoua de la Avon.
As a make-up bag addict as I am, my collection got bigger with two more, from Avon.

Deja stiti despre comanda mea de pe (postare AICI).
You already know about my order (blog post HERE).

De fiecare data cand intru intr-un magazin DM e imposibil sa nu plec cu unul din gelurile lor de dus crema - gama Balea - in editie limitata.
Every time I visit a DM Store I leave with one of this shower gels in different limited edition.

In martie Vichy a avut cutii aniversare ce contineau un produs full zise  si 2 in editie de calatorie - gramaj mic - si o mostra dintr-un fond de ten, toate la pretul produsului full size. Am ales cutia cu Normaderm.

In march Vichy had an anniversary box with a full size product and 2 travel size products and a sample of their fondation all at the price of the full size product. I chose the Normaderm box.

Impreuna cu colegele de munca am plasat o comanda pe site-ul elf de unde mi-am luat doua pensule: pensula stippling - varianta mica si pensula pentru blush din gama Studio.

Together with my work colleagues I placed an order on the elf site and I bought 2 new make-up brushes: Small Stipple and the blush one.

Am vizitat si faimosul magazin cu produse din UK (cel din Bucuresti) - Hello Free Discount - si m-am intors cu urmatoarele produse:
I paid a visit to the famous UK products store here in Bucharest - Hello Free Discountand I came home with the following products:
Nu aveau sampoanele uscate Batiste asa ca nu am plecat cu multe produse. Sunt multumita de cutia metalica pentru servetele!
They didn't had the Batiste dry shampoos so I didn't leave with many products. I was pleased with the tissue box, I love it!

Am, in sfarsit,fardul MAC Charcoal Brown (il vroiam pentru sprancene), dar cred ca este cam maro pentru sprancenele stiu...:-)
Am cumparat si o paleta magnetica Melkior si rezerva lor , varianta Marsala, - Red Leaf.

I finally have the MAC Charcoal Brown refill (I wanted for my brows), but I think it's to brown for me...I do not know :-)
I also bought a Melkior magnetic pallete and their "marsala"eye shadow refill - Red Leaf.
Am cumapart si un top coat Seventeen, era la reducere - nu am putut sa rezist.
I also bought a Seventeen top coat, it was on sale :-) I can't resist the sales!

In magazinele Kendra am gasit deodorantul roll-on favorit. Din pacate e tot mai greu de gasit aici in Romania dearece nu mai exista distribuitor pentru tara noastra. Sunt favoritele mele si isi fac datoria foarte bine.

In Kendra shops I found my favorite roll-on. Unfortunately they are hard to find them here in Romania because they no longer have a distributor in Romania.They are my favorite ones and they work very well.

Am vazut o paleta nude superba la un magazin local si am luat-o. E draguta, dar inca trebuie sa ma obisnuiesc sa apreciez machiajele neutre pe ochii mei.
I saw a beautiful nude shades palette on a local shop and I bought it. It's nice, but I I still need to appreciate neutral makeup on my eyes.

Colectia mea de rujuri s-a marit, iar pe zi ce trece devine tot mai mare, incep sa dezvolt o obsesie pentru acestea.
My lipstick collection got bigger and is getting bigger every day, I started to become obsess with lipsticks.

 L'Oreal Caresse shade 201 Flirty Violet

 Maybelline Color Whisper 210 Oh La Lilac

 L'Oreal Shine Caresse 400 Eve

 Maybelline Color Sensational 906 Hot Plum

 Avon Extra Lasting Totally Twig

Luna trecuta prietena mea Cristina a fost in vacanta in Italia si am rugat-o sa imi aduca cateva rujuri Kiko. A fost greu sa ma decid, dar le-am ales pe urmatoarele trei:

The past month my friend Cristina went on holiday in Italy so I asked her to buy me some Kiko lipsticks. It was hard to decide but I settled on the following 3:

Primul este Kiko Unlimited Stylo in nuanta 13 Cacoa , Kiko Smart lipstick in nuantele 914 Amaranth si 913 Rosewood.
The first one is Kiko Unlimited Stylo 13 Cocoa, Kiko smart lipstick in the shades 914 Amaranth and 913 Rosewood . 

Am cumparat si cateva oje.
I also bought some nail polishes.

In februarie am profitat de reducerile Sepora si mi-am achizitionat doua:
In February when Sephora had sales I bought a few:

Deja v-am aratat oja din poza de mai jos, dar tot atunci am cumparat si gelul de dus Balea si gama Gerovital Sebum Control.
I already shown you this nail polish but I also bought a Balea Shower Gel and Gerovital Sebum Control range.

Iar cateva saptamani ai tarziu am re-achizitionat samponul Gerovital, cand am primit si o oja gratuit.
And a few weeks later I bought again the Gerovital Shampoo. Then I won a Farmec nail polish.

Cand am vizitat DM inca odata am plecat cu un nou gel de dus si cateva rujuri ( vi le-am aratat mai sus) si bineinteles o oja.
When I visited again I left the shop with the following (I already shown you the lipsticks):

Si, inca odata, DM imi marese colectia de geluri de dus. Am profitat si de reducerea pe care au avut-o la noua lotiune Micellara Garnier.
And, again, DM makes me buy a shower gel. I also purchased the new Garnier Micellar Water because it had a great price.

Alte oje pe care le-am achizitionat:
Some other nail polishes I bought:

In sfarsit am buretelul de machiaj Real Techniques pentru a il compara cu cel de la Balea. L-am achizitionat de la, dar in Bucuresti poate fi gasit si in magazinul Debenhams - sectiunea beauty.
I finally have the Real Techniques sponge to try and compare it with my Balea one. I bought it from but you can find it also in Bucharest in Debenhams shop - beauty department.

Incepand din martie si pana acum, de fiecare data cand am vizitat Sephora am primit cadouri/mostre la fiecare achizitie. Te plac, Sephora!
Since March and until now every time I visited Sephora I received gifts at my purchases. I like you Sephora!

Au avut promotia 2+1 la gama Sephora si iubesc parfumurile lor Peony (Bujor) si Cotton flower (floare de bumbac), iar Blue Lagoon (Laguna Albastra) a fost de incercare. Nu este preferata mea.

They had the offer: buy 2 get one free at Sephora range products and I really love their Small perfumes Peony and Cotton Flower. I bought Blue Lagoon to try it out, but it won't be my favorite.

Benefit au avut o campanie pe pagina lor de Facebook unde ofereau gratuit o mostra din Pore Fessional, am gasit si varianta mini a linerului They're real. Din partea Sephora am primit doua mostre de parfum. Eu = client fericit.

The Benefit had a campaign on their Facebook page offering a sample of their Pore Fessional product  and I also found the Real eyeliner in smile size. I received from Sephora the two perfume samples. Me = happy client.

+BornPretty Store Nail Art  are de multe ori oferte asa ca mi-am cumparat doua noi placute.
Bornpretty Store often has promotion so I bought two new stamping plates:

Iar de la H&M mi-am luat un set de doua prosoape cu un imprimeu super dragut.
And from H&M I bought a set of two towels with the cutest print ever:

Cred ca acestea au fost cumparaturile mele de la inceputul anului.
Ce v-a placut din produsele cumparate? Voi ati incercat vreunul din ele?

I think these were all my purchases from the beginning of the year.
What do you like from my purchases? Have you tried any of them?

See You Soon!

miercuri, 3 iunie 2015

LWP (88)

A mai trecut o saptamana, inca o postare Last Week Photos (Pozele Sapatamanii Trecute) :-)
Another week has gone, another Last Week Photos post :-)

Breakfast @RamadaParc / Micul dejun la Ramada Parc