marți, 24 septembrie 2013

LWP (61)

Hello, hello!
Postarea de astazi o public la timp  :D Din pacate vor fi putine poze, sper ca nu va suparati :D
I'm posting today's article on time so you can see what I was up last week.Unfortunately there will be just a few photos. Hope you don't mind.

New #nailpolishes from Flormar for my collection. Can't wait to try them :)

Another 2 #nailpolish to my collection :-)

 Popcorn time :-)

 NOTD Colourful Lace (HERE)

New bedding

A fost o saptamana scurta pentru mine.
Cum a fost a voastra?
Short week for me was the last one.
How was your week?

See U Soon!