luni, 28 aprilie 2014

NOTD: Monday Blues - Mint Candy Apple


Pentru postarea de astazi a colaborarii Monday Blues am placerea sa va arat prima mea oja Essie: Mint Candy Apple.
For today's Monday Blues post I have the pleasure to show you my first Essie nail polish: Mint Candy Apple.

duminică, 27 aprilie 2014

Lentile de contact sau ochelari?

(Romanian only)
Dupa cum stiti port ochelari de vedere (am dioptrii de -0,75) asa ca acestia sunt un accesoriu necesar pentru mine. Dioptriile nu sunt mari,insa daca nu port ochelarii vad in ceata si nu suport acest lucru.

joi, 24 aprilie 2014

Iepurasul de Paste / Bunny Easter

Asa cum am promis, astazi va arat ce mi-a adus Iepurasul de Paste (multe dintre lucruri au fost achizitionate inainte de Paste, dar pentru ca nu vi le-am aratat le voi include in aceasta postare ☺).
As I promised, I'll show you some of the things the Easter Bunny brought me (many of the things shown were purchased before the Easter but I like to include theme here ☺).

marți, 22 aprilie 2014

Dermatocosmetice / Dermatocosmetics

Hello, hello!
Hristos a Inviat!
Sper ca ati avut parte de zile frumoase alaturi de cei dragi.
Hope you had a Happy Easter with your families and loved ones.

Astazi am sa va arat cateva dermatocosmetice ce au ajuns de curand in rutina mea de ingrijire.
Today I'll show you some of the dermatocosmetics recently entered in my beauty routine. 

duminică, 20 aprilie 2014

Hristos a Inviat! Paste Fericit! / Happy Easter!

Hristos a Inviat! Paste Fericit!
Fie ca aceasta sarbatoare sa va aduca lumina in case si suflete, liniste si armonie.

Si ca in fiecare an de Paste, cand imbrac lucruri noi (da, inca mai urmez aceasta traditie - ma innoiesc de Paste - de la Iepuras) am decis sa schimb "hainuta" blogului. Nu este 100% ce mi-am dorit, dar cu buget 0 si cunostiinte 0,3% despre HTML eu zic ca e ok.
Daca nu gasiti anumite informatii sau creti ca mai este nevoie sa adaug ceva, nu ezitati in a-mi spune si am sa incerc sa fac acest lucru ☺.

Sper ca Iepurasul v-a adus tot ce v-ati dorit.
Zilele acestea va arat ce mi-a adus mie Iepurasul :-)

See U Soon!
Happy Easter!

May this holiday bring you light in your homes and souls, peace and harmony!

On Easter I always wear my new clothes (yes, I still follow this tradition - to buy and wear new clothes - let's just say they are from the Easter Bunny) I decided to change "the clothes" of my blog. It's not 100% what I wanted but considering my buget was 0 and my lack of HTML knowledge (let's just say 0,3%) I think is ok.
If you can not find certain information or if you feel something is missing please let me know and I'll try make it work ☺.
Hope the Easter Bunny brought you all you have wanted.
These days I will show you what my Easter Bunny brought me.

See U Soon!

vineri, 11 aprilie 2014

NOTD: Parkinson Day

Hello, hello!
Astazi este ziua mondiala a bolii Parkinson asa ca, provocata de Nailpolis:Museum, am creat o manichiura cu scopul de a sensibiliza si face cunoscuta aceasta boala care inca nu are leac.
Daca doriti sa aflati mai multe informatii despre aceasta boala puteti vizita pagina Fundatiei Parkinson (limba engleza) sau site-ul romanesc al Asociatiei Anti-Parkinson.
Today is World's Parkinson Day so, challenged by Nailpolis: Museum, I created a manicure to raise awareness about this disease that has no cure yet.
If you want to find out more about this disease you can visit Parkinson's Disease Foundation.

miercuri, 9 aprilie 2014

NOTD: Milani 3D Holographic 509 HD

Astazi vreau sa va arat o oja 3D holografica de la Milani.
Am deja una mova (o puteti vedea AICI) si am vrut sa mai incerc o alta culoare, asa ca am ales una gri-argintie.
Today I want to show you a 3D Holographic nail polish from Milani.
I have a purple one already (see it HERE) and I wanted to try another color, so I chose the grey - silvery one.

luni, 7 aprilie 2014

joi, 3 aprilie 2014