miercuri, 26 martie 2014

The End 2014 Part I

Am decis sa scriu postarile "The End" din trei in trei luni, pentru a avea ocazia sa strang cat mai multe produse.Fiind deja martie e timpul sa scriu prima postare din aceasta serie.
Sa incepem!

I decided to write my "The End" posts 3 months apart, to give a chance to gather a few more products.Being already March it is time to write my first post.
Here we go!

Unele dintre produse sunt goale, altele au expirat, dar m-am decis sa le includ in aceasta postare.Voi incepe cu cele terminate.
Some of the products are empty, some of them have expired, but I decided to include them in this post.I will start with the empty ones.

Cutinol Shampoo Be Cool for Oily Hair
Am cumparat acest sampon pentru par gras in septembrie trecut de la targul Romexpo Cosmetic Beauty Hair (AICI) cu speranta ca voi rezolva problema parului meu gras. Din pacate nu a avut niciun rezultat. Este un sampon incolor cu un miros dragut (nu foarte puternic), dar fara efect. Parul meu arata in continuare gras la doua zile dupa ce l-am folosit si nu a adus imbunatatiri dupa mai multe folosiri.Sunt bucuroasa ca am achizitionat doar o sticla mica.

I bought this professional shampoo for oily hair back in September from Cosmeic Beauty Hair Romexpo Fair (Here) hoping it will solve my oily hair problem. Unfortunately it did nothing to it. It's a clear shampoo with nice smell (not to strong), but with no effect. My hair still looked greasy after 2 days and it didn't improve after many uses. I'm glad I only purchased  a small bottle.

Garnier Fructis Goodbye Damage
Parerea mea despre acest al doilea sampon este mai buna.E noul Garnier Fructis Goodbye Damage pentru par deteriorat.Parul meu nu era foarte deteriorat, dar mi-am dorit sa am grija de el asa ca am incercat acest sampon.Am fost destul de multumita de el,desi nu a rezolvat in totalitate problema parului eu gras.Mi-am putut purta parul in coada la doua zile de la spalare (am prelungit cu inca o zi pana la urmatoarea spalare, spre deosebire de samponul Cutinol). S-a comportat bine cu varfurile mele si a dat un aspect placut parului.As recomanda folosirea unui balsam de par odata cu acest sampon.

About this second shampoo I have a better opinion. It's the Garnier Fructis Goodbye Damage for very damaged and lifeless hair.My hair wasn't that damaged but I wanted to take good care of it so I gave it a go with this shampoo. I was pretty happy with it, although my oily hair problem wasn't solved, it went well. I could wear my hair in a pony tail after 2 days I washed it (unlike the Cutinol shampoo).It was gentle with my ends and gave a nice look to my hair. I would recommend using also a conditioner when using this shampoo.

Yves Rocher Riche Creme Omega - Face Cream
Am iubit aceasta crema de fata. Am primit-o cadou in urma unei comenzi efectuate si m-am indragostit de ea. Este un balsam intens reparator,o crema hranitoare cu un miros placut. M-a ajutat in sezonul rece, hidratandu-mi bine pielea si scapandu-ma de zonele uscate din zona nasului si a gurii. La momentul la care am primit-o nu era disponibila pe site-ul romanesc Yves Rocher, dar acum se gaseste si am de gand sa o achizitionez. Puteti citit despre ea pe site-ul oficial AICI.

I loved this face cream. I received it as a gift on one of my orders and I felt in love with it. It says is an intense reconstruction face balm. It is a good moisturizer with a nice smell. It helped me in winter, getting rid of my dry areas of my face (near the nose and mouth). At the time I received it wasn't for sale on Yves Rocher Romanian site, but now it is and I plan to buy it. You can read about it on their site HERE (Romania only).

Yves Rocher Coco & Raspberry Shower Gel
Am cumparat acest gel de dus impreuna cu celelalte doua combinatii lansate in apropiere de Craciun: cel cu fistic si cel cu portocala.L-am deschis imediat ce l-am primit si a tinut o perioada mare de timp, l-am cuparat in noiembrie si l-am terminat la inceputul lunii februarie. Are 300 ml si avand in vedere pretul mi se pare o cantitate generoasa. Miroase puternic a cacao cu o usoara aroma de zmeura, face destula spuma, lasand un miros subtil pe piele care nu dureaza foarte mult (mie imi place asa).

I bought this shower gel along with the other 2 combinations launched near Christams: the pistachio one and the orange one.I opened it right away I got it and it lasted quite a long time, I bought it in November and I think I finished it at the beginning of February. It has 300 ml so, for the price is a good quantity.It smells strong of cocoa with a hint of raspberry, makes enough foam and it leaves a subtle scent on your skin, but it doesn't last to much on your skin (I like that). 

A-Derma Exomega emollient cream (review here)
Crema mea preferata pentru maini (desi este o crema pentru fata si corp), m-a ajutat enorm. Am terminat-o cu mult timp in urma, dar nu am reusit sa o includ intr-o astfel de postare. Trebuie sa-mi achizitionez una noua (mainile mele au din nou o poblema a pielii si aceasta crema a fost salvarea mea). Este costisitoare, dar credeti-ma merita investitia si dureaza destul de mult.

My favorite hand cream (although it is a face and body cream), it helped me a lot.I finished quite some time ago, but I wasn't able to write about it in a similar post. I must purchase a new one (my hands are having again a skin problem and this was a savior). It's pricey but trust me it deserves the investment and it lasts quite a long time.

ELF waterproof eyeliner - black and purple
Am iubit pensula subtire pe care o au, dar din pacate nu mi s-au parut a fi waterproof. Dupa 8 ore de la aplicare mi se strang in coltul exterior al ochiului. Trebuie sa te misti rapid, se usuca repede.

I loved the small brush they had, but they weren't waterproof, not in my case. After 8 hours of wearing them it smudged in the corner of my eyes.You had to be quick with them, they would dry fast.

Acum am sa va arat produsele pe care nu le-am terminat, dar pe care am fost nevoita sa le arunc.
Now I'll show you the products I didn't finish but I needed to throw.

Avon Clearskin blemish peel of mask
Este o masca tip film (se curata de pe fata fara apa, fiind o a doua piele) cu acid salicilic pentru cosuri, dar nu a fost preferata mea.Initial am cumparat-o pentru ca e o masca tip film si iubesc acest tip de masti, dar acidul salicilic este prea puternic si imi lasa fata rosie.Trebuie sa spun ca nu este o masca indicata pentru tenul sensibil, chiar daca exista probleme cu cosurile. A zacut in dulapiorul meu din baie mult timp, pana a expirat.

It's a peel off mask with salicylic acid for blemishes and spots, but wasn't my favorite. I initially bought it beacause is a peel of mask and I love these type of masks, but the salicylic ingredient is quite strong and it leaves my face red.I must say is not a good mask for sensitive skin, although you have blemishes problems.It stayed in my bathroom cabinet a long time without using it, until it expired.

Antiperspirant foot cream by Oriflame
O alta problem pe care incerc sa o rezolv. Crema miroase fresh si intra repede in piele, dar sunt o persoana lenesa si am folosit doar jumatate pana sa expire -  a trebuit sa o arunc.

Another issue I try to fix.It smells refreshing and it gets quick into my skin, but I'm lazy and I only used half a tube until expired and I had to throw it.

Bioluxe Organic Cedar Nutritive foot cream
Am cumparat aceasta crema ieftina de la un targ de cosmetice si este foarte grasa oferind o buna hidratare. Dar, ca si in cazul de mai sus,sunt lenesa si nu am reusit sa o termin pana a expirat.Singurul lucru care nu mi-a placut a fost mirosul.

I bought it quite cheap from a cosmetic expo and it's quite greasy giving my foot a good hydration.But,like in the above foot cream case, I am lazy and I didn't finish it until expired so I had to throw it.I didn't like the smell so much.

Avon Cerry Coolin Spray
Iubesc aceste spray-uri de picioare si vara sunt foarte bine venite. Nu am avut ocazia sa il termin deoarece am cumparat cam 4 de acest gen si le-am folosit pe restul primele. Sigurul minus pe care il are este cantitatea mare de alcool. In schimb pot refolosi sticla.

I love these foot sprays and in the summer they are the best.I didn't get the chance to finish it because I bought like 4 at once and used the other ones.The only thing I didn't liked so much was the quantity of alcohol it has. Instead I can re-use the bottle.

Avon ColorTrend Eye shadow
Va puteti da seama ce vechi e acest produs dupa ambalaj. A fost ratacit print-un portfard si l-am gasit. Desi are valoare sentimentala, trebuie sa il arunc.
You can tell it is old by the packaging. I had it lost in a make-up bag and I found it.It has a sentimental value for me but I must throw it to the bin.

Da, vedeti oje.Credeti-ma scap de ojele expirate sau care nu mai sunt bune. Acestea trebuiau aruncate.
Yes, you are seeing nail polishes. Believe me, I throw my nail polishes if they are expired or not in the condition to be used. These were dried and no longer good to use.

Nu sunt fana a bureteilor pentru machiaj si acesta nu mi-a schimbat parerea. L-am achizitionat de pe Born Pretty Store si m-a dezamagit.L-am folosit de maxim 10 ori si s-a stricat. A ramas patat de la anticearcanul meu si de la fondul de ten si chiar daca am incercat sa il spal, petele nu au disparut. L-am folosit mereu ud, dar ultima oara a inceput sa se descompuna, lasand urme de burete pe fata mea. Are un mare NU din partea mea. Poate cand voi incerca originalul Beauty Blender (sau poate buretele Real Technique) imi voi schimba parerea, dar pana atunci, bureteii de machiaj au de la mine un mare nu.

I am not a fan of make-up sponges and this one wasn't the one to change my opinion. I bought it on Born Pretty store and it failed me. I only used it a maximum of 10 times and it's ruined. It got stained from my concealer and foundation and even if I tried cleaning and washing it, I never got rid of those stains.I always used it wet, but the last time started to decompose and left tiny parts of sponge on my face.It has a big NO from my part. Maybe if I will try the original Beauty Blender I'll change my opinion (or even the Real Technique one), but until then, make up sponges have a big no from me.

Acestea au fost primele produse terminate/expirate din acest an.
Ati incercat ceva din cele prezentate. Avti pareri diferite?
Ce produse ati terminat voi pana acum?

These were my first finished/expired products of the year.
Have you tried some of the above? Do you have a different opinion?
What products have you finished until now?

See U Soon!