luni, 30 septembrie 2013


Hello, hello!
Astazi este ultima manichiura albastra a lunii septembrie si e una din preferatele mele.
Today's the last blue manicure of September and is one of my favourite.

Am aplicat ca baza doua straturi de Revlon Top Speed in nuanta 730 Royal.
A fost greu sa surprind in poze adevarata culoare a acestei nuante.Camera telefonului meu a fost singura care s-a apropiat cat de cat de nuanta reala.

I've applied as a base two coats of Revlon Top Speed in 730 Royal.
It was hard for me to capture the real colour of the nail polish.My camera phone gets close to the real shade.

sâmbătă, 28 septembrie 2013

vineri, 27 septembrie 2013

miercuri, 25 septembrie 2013

NOTD: p2 SAND STYLE Confidential

Hello, hello!
Nu stiu daca va aduceti aminte de aceasta poza postata pe facebook cu bunatatile aduse de prietena mea din Germania, insa astazi am sa va arat una dintre oje.
Este vorba de p2 Sand Style in nuanta 05 confidential.

I don't know if you remember this picture from Facebook with the goodies my friend brought me from Germany, but today I'll show you one of the nail polishes.
I'm talking about p2 Sand Style in 05 confidential.

marți, 24 septembrie 2013

LWP (61)

Hello, hello!
Postarea de astazi o public la timp  :D Din pacate vor fi putine poze, sper ca nu va suparati :D
I'm posting today's article on time so you can see what I was up last week.Unfortunately there will be just a few photos. Hope you don't mind.

New #nailpolishes from Flormar for my collection. Can't wait to try them :)

luni, 23 septembrie 2013

Monday Bues: WET GLITTER

Hello, hello!
Pentru postarea de astazi am pregatiti o manichiura combinata.
Daca ma urmariti pe instagram (@abyukina) stiti ca saptamana trecuta am achizitionat cateva oje.E timpul sa va arat doua dintre acestea.
For today Monday's post I've prepared a combo manicure.
If you follow me on instagram (@abyukina) you know the past week I've bought a few nail polishes. It's time to show you two of them.

Este vorba de Flormar Wet Look WL01 si Orkide 715.
I'm talking about Flormar Wet Look in WL01 and Orkide 715.

Oja Flormar face parte din cea mai noua colectie disponibila in magazinele din Romania.Culoarea ce am ales-o este WL01, o nuanta de bleu pal.Colectia numita Wet Look promit un efect de unghie umeda,ultra lucioasa, cu finisaj de lunga durata.
The Flormar nail polish belongs to their newest collection available in stores in Romania.The colour I've chose is WL01, a pale blue.The collection called Wet Look promises to have a look of wet nail with  ultra long lasting glossy finish.

sâmbătă, 21 septembrie 2013


Hello, hello!
Stiu ca astazi este ziua pentru o postare in cadrul unei colaborari, dar saptamana aceasta voi sari peste ea (sper ca este ultima oara), iar in loc am sa va arat ce am purtat pe unghiute saptamana trecuta.
I know today is a challenge post day but I'll skip this week (I hope it will be the last time) and instead I'll show you my manicure from last week.

Doream sa folosesc neaparat urmatoarele oje - OPI on Collins Ave.,OPI Casino Royal si Bourjois Turquoise Block - asa ca trebuia sa caut un model frumos si elegant.
I really wanted to use these specific nail polishes ( OPI on Collins Ave., OPI Casino Royal and Bourjois Turquoise Block) so I had to find a nice elegant pattern.

Am urmat tutorialul de mai jos postat pe pagina de Facebook a unui grup a carui membra sunt, dar pe care l-am vazut si in mediul online.
I followed the below tutorial posted on a Facebook group I'm part of, that I've also seen on the web :D

vineri, 20 septembrie 2013

Vinerea Muzicala (14)

Hello, hello!
E din nou vineri! Sunt nerabdatoare pentru sambata, stiti de ce? Vreau sa dorm pana tarziu!Da, din acest motiv sunt fericita!( interesanta viata, nu? :D). Va spun luni daca am dormit sau nu :-)
Yes! It's Friday again!I'm eager for Saturday, you know why? I want to sleep till late! Yup, that's why I'm excited! (boring...).I'll tell you on Monday if that really happened :-)

joi, 19 septembrie 2013

LWP (60)

Hello, hello!
Ce mult a trecut de cand nu v-am mai vazut!
Imi pare rau pentru lipsa postarilor, am fost plecata cateva zile in provincie (am asistat la o nunta) neavand acces la internet sau, mai bine spus,neavand timp.
Imi cer scuze, insa acum m-am intors.
Stiu ca aceasta postare vine cam tarziu avand in vedere ca e joi, dar nu am vrut sa trec peste ea. Asa ca iata saptamana mea in imiagini.
Long time, no see!
I'm sorry for my lack of posts, I was away a few days attending a wedding with no access to internet and mostly with no time :D.
I apologize, but now I'm back.
I know it's late posting this on Thursday but i didn't want to skip it. So here are my pictures from last week.

 Monday Blues post: Maybelline ColoRama in Denim (HERE)

vineri, 13 septembrie 2013

Vinerea Muzicala (13)

Hello, hello!
Inca o zi de vineri a sosit asa ca e vremea unei noi postari muzicale.
Another Friday has arrived , so it's time fro a new musical post :)

marți, 10 septembrie 2013

LWP (59)

O noua saptamana si vremea unei nou postari din seria "Last Week Photos" a.k.a #instalife.
It's a new week and it' s time for a new "Last Week Photos" post a.k.a  #instalife :)

 My new love : Burjois 1 second Turquoise Block (HERE/AICI)

luni, 9 septembrie 2013

duminică, 8 septembrie 2013

August Favorites / Favoritele lunii august

Hello, hello!
Oficial vara s-a incheiat. Frunzele incep sa cada, temperaturile sunt in scadere, iar copii si adolescentii s-au reintors in oras pentru a se pregati pentru un nou an scolar.
Officially summer has ended. The leafs are beginning to fall, the temperatures are dropping and kids and teenagers are back in town to prepare for the beginning of a new scholar year. 

vineri, 6 septembrie 2013

Vinerea Muzicala (12)

Hello, hello!
Iata ca prima saptamana a toamnei a zburat.
Cum a fost pentru voi?
Looks like the first week of autumn is gone.
How was it for you?

joi, 5 septembrie 2013

marți, 3 septembrie 2013

LWP (58)

Hello, hello!
Am decis sa scurtez numele postarilor acestea si se vor numi LWP (mai bine cunoscute ca si #instalife).
I've decided to make the title of these post shorter, so Last Week Photos will be from now on LWP :D

Saptamana trecuta a fost asa: 
Last week has been like this:

 Monday Blues: bubblegum (HERE)

luni, 2 septembrie 2013


Hello, hello!
In mod normal astazi era vremea unuei postari Monday Blues, dar in weekend mi-am achizitionat o oja minunata!A fost dragoste la a doua vedere ( am vazut-o initial pe blogul Ioanei), asa ca trebuia sa v-o arat.
Va rog sa o aplaudati pe Burjois 22 Turquoise Block 1 second!!!

Normally today was a Monday Blue post but over the weekend I bought a lovely polish. It was love at second sight ( I first saw it on Ioana's blog), so I had to show it to you.
Please welcome Burjois 22 Turquoise Block 1 second nail polish!!!