A trecut ceva vreme de cand am scris o astfel de postare asa ca iata-ma cu una noua.
Am sa va arat ce mi-am cumparat in vacanta din Grecia si alte cateva "minuni" din ultima vreme.
It's been awhile since I've wrote a post like this so here it is a new one.
I'll show you what I've bought on my holiday from Greece and some other goodies purchased lately.
Am sa incep cu lucrurile cumparate in Grecia
I will start with the things I've bought in Greece.
Dupa cum sunt sigura ca stiti sunt un pic obsedata de semnul pacii.Asa ca...ati ghicit...
As you may now I am little bit obsessed with peace sign. So...you've guessed it...
Pisicute cu semnul pacii!!!Coastere (suporturi pahar), mouse pad, semne de carte.
Cats with peace sign!!Coasters, mouse pad and book signs.
Nu am putut rata oja Korres - Blueberry , pe care v-am aratatat-o AICI .
I couldn't missed a nail polish, Korres - Blueberry. I've showed it HERE .
Un inel din argint fluturas.
A beautiful butterfly silver ring.
Mi-am luat setul cu parfum, gel dus si lotiune corp Versace VERSENSE ( puteti gasi parfumul -singur-pe straberrynet.com,unde primiti un cadou gratuit la comenzi de peste $50USD).
I also bought the Versense Versace set, perfume, shower gel and body lotion ( you can find the perfume - alone- on straberrynet.com,you will receive a free gift with purchase over $50USD).
Ajunsa in tara am avut bucuria sa descopar ca Maybelline Color Tattos se gasesc si la noi, asa ca nu am rezistat si am 2 la colectie.
When I was back from my holiday I had a beautiful surprise: the Maybelline Colour Tattoos are available in stores, I couldn't resist and I bought 2 for my collection.
65- Pink Gold, o nuanta metalica de roz.
Pink Gold, a beautiful baby metallic pink
40 - Permanent Taupe - a light brown shade.
Nu puteam sa imi neglijez unghiutele, asa ca mi-am marit colectia de oje cu ceva bunatati.
Si fiind promotie la Marionnaud mi-am luat si 2 glossuri NYX - preferatele mele.
I could not neglect my nails so I've increased my collection with some new nail polishes.
Marionnaud had some good offers and I've bought 2 lip glosses from NYX - my favourite ones.
Ojele Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Blueberry + Flormar Glitter GL 09 le-ati vazut AICI.
The Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine in Blueberry + Flormar Glitter GL 09 you've seen it HERE.
NYX 119 Chocolate
NYX 22 Natural
Din Germania, prietena mea cea mai buna mi-a adus aceste bunatati:
From Germany my best friend got me these goodies:
O oja p2 Sand (nisip), top coat-ul essence confetti(oh...cat mi l-am dorit!) si eye linerul gel essence, culoarea neagra (nu mai este disponibil in Romania). Multumesc Kitty!
A p2 Sand Style nail polish, the essence confetti top coat ( oh...how I've wished this one!) and the gel eyeliner in black from essence (it's no longer available in Romania). Thanks Kitty!
Una din colegele mele de serviciu a fost plecata la Londra, asadar am rugat-o sa-mi aduca cateva bunatai de acolo. Iata ce mi-a adus:
One of my co-workers went to London so I've asked her to bring me some goodies all the way from there. This is what I've got:
- creionul Nail art Barry M / the Barry M Nail Art Pen;
- ojele Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine in nuantele Dragon si Grapefruit/ Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine nail polishes in Dragon adn Grapefruit;
- anticearcanul/ corectorul Maybelline Instant Anti-Age The Eraser Eye in nuanta Nude / Concealer Maybelline Instant Anti-Age The Eraser Eye in Nude.
Campania 11 Avon mi-a adus aceste bunatai:
The 11th Avon campaign brought me these goodies:
- top coatul Avon Opal / Opal top coat
- portofelul Sabella albastru (sa ma asortez cu geanta)/ Blue Sabella wallet ( to match my bag)
- cerceii Modernist Abstract / Modernist Abstract earings
In ultima vreme mi-am marit colectia de pesnule cu cateva Real Techniques.
Lately I've increased my make-up brush collection with new Real Techniques brushes.
Mi-am comandat initial pensula pentru Blush (fard de obraz) de pe iHerb ( daca este prima voastra comanda si folositi codul NNP882 obtineti o reducere de 5$ pentru comenzi sub 40$, si de 10$ pentru comenzi peste 40$).
Din categoria gratuite mi-am ales un balsam de buze cu rodie Sierra Bees.
I've first ordered the Blush one on iHerb (if it's your first order you can use the code NNP882 and get a discount of 5$ on orders under 40$, or 10$ on order above 40$).
From the freebies category I've got a Sierra Bees Pomegranate Lip Balm.
Dupa ce comanda mea a ajuns in RO am fost bucuroasa sa aflu ca pensulele Real Techniques se gasesc aici prin intermediul Makeup Shop. Acum am si setul incepator.
After my order got here I was glad to find that the Real Techniques brushes are available in Romania on MakeupShop Romania. Now I have the Starter Set.
Acestea sunt ultimele bunatati ale mele.
Aveti/ati incercat ceva din cele de mai sus? Care este parerea voastra despre ele?
These are my latest goodies.
Do yo own/tried some of the above? What is your opinion about them?
Sper ca nu v-am plictisit cu aceasta postare si ca ati reusit sa o cititi pana la final :)
Hope we weren't to bored with this post and you have read it to the end :)
See U Soon!