O noua postare a vietii mele Insta :D
Here's another post of my #instalife.
New Monday blues post with Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine and Flormar Glitter GL 09 (AICI)
Day 19 of my #augustphotochallenge: necklace. I like this one a lot, it has one of my favorite colors and the peace sign (my obsession). / Colierul meu preferat. Imi place acesta deoarece are una din culorile mele preferate si semnul pacii (obsesia mea).
Day 20 of my #augustphotochallange : heart.
Day 21 of my #augustphotochallange : mirror picture. This one is taken after my holiday in Greece. The camera is borrowed, not mine : ( / Aceasta poza e facuta duopa ce m-am intros din concediul in grecia. Aparatul e imprumutat, nu e al meu :(
Barry M Gelly Hi -Shine in Dragon (AICI)
Day 22 of my #augustphotochallange : curly.I love my curls in this picture, took me 3 hours to make them look like that/ Iubesc buclele mele in aceasta poza, mi-a luat 3 ore sa le fac sa arate asa
Day 23 of my #augustphotochallange : breakfast. Today I ate peaches
Day 24 of my #augustphotochallange : upside down. One of my outfits this week at work / Una din tinutele mele in aceasta saptamana la munca.
ay 25 of my #augustphotochallange : something I want. A camera Canon 600D. It will be super hard to buy one like this but I won't lose faith ●▽● / Imi doresc mult acest aparat foto. O sa fie foarte greu sa-l cumpar, dar nu-mi pierd speranta ●▽●
Va aduceti aminte ca, acum cateva saptamani cand am inceput provocarea lunii august, am spus ca vor fi mai multe fotografii? Ei bine...asa cum puteti vedea, am mintit...sunt lenesa. In curand provocarea lunii august - fotografii - se v-a sfarsi :(.
Remember a few weeks ago when I started the august challenge and I said I would have more pictures? Well....as you can see that wasn't true...I am lazy ...Soon my August photo challenge will be over :(
Ati participat vreodata la o astfel de provocare "fotografica"?Cum a fost experienta? Am crezut ca v-a fi mai incitant si creativ, dar nu am simtit asta. Ma intreb daca nu am procedat cumva gresit?
Have you ever done a photo challenge?How was the experience?I thought this will be more exciting and more creative, but it didn't feel like that.I wonder if I was doing something wrong?
On that note...
See U Soon!