Hello, hello!
M-am intors! Am avut o vacanta frumoasa si sunt gata sa particip la noi colaborari!
I'm back! I had a lovely holiday and I'm ready for new challenges.
Pentru manichiura de astazi am folosit oja achizitionata in concediu in Grecia.
Este un brand local numit Korres Athens, a costat 6 euro si am achizitionat-o din farmacie.
For today I have a manicure were I've used the nail polish bought in my holiday from Greece.
It's a local brand named Korres Athens, was 6 euros and I bought it from the pharmacy.
Din pacate adevarata culoare nu am putut sa o surprind in poze. Numele insa ii face dreptate: are culoarea coacazelor.
I'm afraid the true color didn't showed in the pictures, but the name says it all: it has the color of blueberries.
Pe inelar am folosit un glitter albastru ce il aveam de foarte mult timp.
On my ring finger I used some blue glitter I had for so long.
Mai jos gasitit toate manichiurile lunii iulie in cadrul acestei colaborari.
Beneath you will find all the manicures for July Monday Blues.
See U Soon!