Este vremea unei noi postari instalife, asa ca bucurati-va! (sper :D)
It's time for another Instalife post, so enjoy! (I hope you will).
Monday Blues Avon Opal top coat vs. Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 101 (AICI)
Day 12 of my #augustphotochallange : throwback - my birthday, I was 3 year old and as you can see from from an early age I loved accessories / Amintiri din copilarie - implineam 3 ani si dupa cum puteti vedea de la o varsta frageda adoram accesoriile
Day 13 of my #augustphotochallenge : nails.This is my manicure for Little Beauty Bag contest on Facebook./ Manichiura mea pentru concursul Elisei - Little Beauty Bag
Day 14 of my #augustphotochallange : favorite color. It was hard to choose, I like different colors depending on my mood. Today I've chose purple *^▁^* / Culoarea favorita este greu de ales, depinde de starea de spirit. Am ales movul
I was tagged by @funandi to tell 20 facts about me. 1.This year I will be 27 years old 2. I was a professional 9 pin bowling player for 10 years 3.I love peace sign 4. My zodiac sign is Scorpio 5. I do not like to fight 6. I have a brother and he is older than me. 7. I like to collect things (now I'm at pins and empty perfume bottles) 8. I have a degree in engineering 9. I am fluent in Spanish 10.I like reading soppy novels 11.I try to be positive as often as I can 12.I have a lack of confidence in myself and I never talk about it (you are the first I've told this) 13.I am a good listener 14. I try not to get very excited about things because if I do they will not go as planned 15. I like to dance 16. I do no fancy chocolate 17. My favorite band was RBD 18.I was a redhead for at least 5 years 19. I was also blonde 20. I would like to get a tattoo but I'm afraid
I tag @rainbowsinajar @carla_sunafterstorm @elisauc
Day 15 of my #augustphotochallange : hair. This was my blonde hair 4 years ago. I was also wearing green contact lenses / Acesta era parul meu blond in urma cu 4 ani.Purtam de asemenea lentile de contact verzi.
Day 16 of my #augustphotochallange : written words. A fruit cake, very good and easy to make / E usor de facut reteta, puteti inlocui visinele cu alte fructe.
*daca doriti pot face un post cu pasii ce trebuiesc urmati - poze incluse, eu am facut varianta cu mere.
Day 17 of my #augustphotochallange : flowers
Day 18 of my #augustphotochallange : bedroom. I wish mine was like the one in the picture / As vrea ca dormitorul meu sa arate asa
Aceasta a fost saptamana mea.
Saptamana voastra cum a fost? Ati avut mini vacanta de Sfanta Maria?
This was my week.
How was your week?
See u Soon!