marți, 6 august 2013

Last Week Photos (54)

Hello, hello!
Saptamana a zburat foarte repede. / This week flew by very quickly.
Luna aceasta am decis sa particip la un Photo Challenge pe contul de instagram, asa ca ve-ti vedea mai multe poze :D
This month I've decided to take part in a Photo Challenge on my instagram account so you will see a lot more pictures :D

Sa incepem /Let's begin:
Blueberry Sparkle (AICI)

Smoothie time again / E timpul din nou pentru un smoothie

  Se "pune " rău de furtună ╮(╯_╰)╭ / Looks like it will rain heavy

Can you see my tan? I miss the sea (>_<) / Imi puteti vede bronzul? Mi-e dor de mare

Who is feeling rebel and shares a Coke with me?/ Cine se simte rebel si imparte o Coca Cola cu mine?

 Challange-ul meu in luna august. Pregatiti-va! :D / My August Photo Challenge.Get ready!

  I don't have a lock screen (I have Android phone) but my phone screen looks like this.First day of the challenge *^▁^*   / Nu am un ecran de blocare (am un telefon Android), dar wallpaperul meu de ecran este acesta. Prima zi a provocarii.

  2nd day of #Augustphotochallange: silly face

  Yupii, finally in Romania

Sun is going down

  My attempt of water marble nails. (AICI) / Incercarea mea water marbles

 3rd day of my #augustphotochallange : pet. I do not have one but for the picture I've borrowed one •﹏•  / a 3-a zi: animal. Nu am unul, dar pentru poza am imprumutat.

  4th entry for my #augustphotochallange : best friend.

Aceasta a fost saptamana mea in poze. Ma bucur ca m-am decis sa incep acest challenge, de mult incercam sa imi fac curaj sa particip la unul.
This was my week in photos. I'm glad I've decided to start this challenge, for a long time I was trying to get the courage to be part in one.

Saptamana voastra cum a fost?
How was your week?

See U Soon!