joi, 12 decembrie 2013

TAG: Sweater Wheater

A trecut ceva vreme de cand am realizat un TAG si Georgia de la mi l-a "pasat" pe acesta. Iata raspunsurile mele!
It's been awhile since I've made a tag and Georgia from tagged me to this funny and cute tag.
So here we go!

1. Favourite candle scent? / Aroma favorita a lumanarilor?
Nu sunt un fan al scortisoarei, merelor sau portocalelor (arome de sezon), dar am gasit aceasta lumanarica in DM si chiar imi place. Are o aroma de sezon, un pic aromata, insa nu prea tare, exact cat sa-mi placa.
Dupa cum bine stiti se gaseste si in produsele preferate ale lunii noiembrie - AICI.

Well I am not a fan of cinnamon or apple or orange candles (winter season scents), but I found this little one in DM and I really like it. Smells like winter but not to strong, it is a little bit spicy, just as I like it.
As you may know it was in my November favourites - HERE.

2.Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? / Cafea. ceai sau ciocolata calda?
Urasc cafeaua si mirosul acesteia, DAR  daca e sa beau am cafea doua degete si restul lapte.Acestea fiind spuse ador ciocolata calda si ceaiul, in special cel de fructe, de cireste negre de la Carturesti.

I hate coffee or the smell of it but IF I drink coffee it will be mostly milk and a hint of coffee. This being said I love hot chocolate and tea, particularly fruit tea , the Black Forest Cherry one from Carturesti.

3.What is the best winter memory you have? / Cea mai frumoasa amintire legata de Craciun pe care o ai?
Cand eram mica (3 ani) am primit de la Mos Craciun un costumas rosu cu motive de sezon.Mi-a placut atat de tare ca o luna de zile nu am purtat altceva.

When I was little I received from Santa a beautiful knitted red costume with Christmas patterns. I loved it so much  that I wore it every day for about a month :-D

4.Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged eyes? / Ce tendinta in materie de make-up preferei: buze inchise sau folosirea tusului in machiajul ochiilor?
Prefer tusul, desi tot fac eforturi sa port culori inchise pe buze :-)
Winged eye, although I'm trying to wear dark lips :-)

5. Hats or scarves? / Caciuli sau esarfe?
Caciuli SI esarfe :-D
Hats AND scarves :-D

6.Most worn sweater? / Cel mai purtat pulover?
Este un cardigan negru.Il am de ceva ani ( 7 sa fie la numar) si e perfect pentru vremea rece sau pentru completarea unei tinute elegante/office.

It's a black wool cardigan. I have it for a few years now (like 7 or so) and it's perfect for cold days or for an elegant/ office look.

7. Favourite autumn nail polish? / Oja tomnatica preferata?
Imi este foarte greu sa ma hotarasc asupra unei oje, imi plac foarte multe. Tocmai ce am achizitionat cu ocazia Black Friday urmatoarele oje: OPI San Francisco Collection - Lost on Lombard Street; OPI Euro Centrale - Vant to Bite my Neck and China Glaze - Queen B.De abia astept sa le incerc.

For me it's hard to choose a specific nail polish, I like a lot of them.I just bought this 3 nail polishes on Black Friday : OPI San Francisco Collection - Lost on Lombard Street; OPI Euro Centrale - Vant to Bite my Neck and China Glaze - Queen B. I can't wait to try them :-)

8. What’s your #1 favourite thing about winter?/ Care este lucrul nr. 1 preferat iarna?
Zapada alba (nu in oras, mai degraba in zona rurala, unde e curata) .
The white beautiful snow ( not in the city, but in the countryside).

9. Best Christmas present you received?/ Cel mai frumos cadou primit de Craciun?
Imi plac toate cadourile primite si imi place sa daruiesc cadouri. Cel mai frumos cadou primit a fost un album muzical - caseta - primita in clasa a 10-a, cu ocazia Secret Santa. Este vorba de albumul 'NSync - No strings attached. A fost o surpriza imensa la care nu ma asteptam. Inca mai am caseta :-)

I like all the presents and I like giving present.The best present I received was a music album (audiotape)  in 10th grade in high school from a colleague - Secret Santa. It was "NSync "No Strings attached". It was a huge surprise and I didn't expected ☻ ♥
I still have it!
10. Favourite season?/ Anotimpul preferat?
 Vara. Ironic, nu? 
Summer :-)

Sper ca v-a placut acest tag si as vrea sa citesc si raspunsurile voastre.
Il dau mai departe:
Hope you enjoyed the tag and I would love to read your answers also.
I tag:

See U Soon!