Craciunul a trecut din pacate :-(, insa e vremea sa ne pregatim de Anul Nou!
Stiu ca unii dintre voi sunteti curiosi cu privire la ce am primit (eu una sunt curioasa ce au primit ceilalti).
Asa ca am sa va arat ☺
Yes, Christmas is gone :-( unfortunately, but now we have to prepare for New Year's Eve!
And I know some of you are curious to see what Santa brought me (I know I'm curios on other people's presents).
Let me show you ☺
Am fost o fata cuminte si am primit cadouri frumoase.
De la munca am primit o genata plic.
I was a good girl and I received beautiful gifts.
From work I received a bag (a clutch type one).
Va aduceti aminte de lista mea de Craciun - AICI ?
Am un cadou din aceea lista, pantalonii mei de pijama foarte comfortabili ♥
Remember my Christmas list from HERE ?
I have one gift from that list, my comfy pyjama bottoms ♥
Sunt asa de moi, ii iubesc!♥
They are so fluffy and comfortable, I love them!♥
Am primit si o pereche de blugi navy, o masura ce mi se potriveste!
I also received a pair of navy jeans, a size that fits me!
Pregatindu-ma pentru excursia mea din luna ianuarie din Piatra Craiului, am primit un tricou de tracking ce permite pielii sa respire (yeah, detalii tehnice ☺). Si e roz.
Preparing for my January trip to the mountains I have a new tracking shirt that allows my skin to breath (yeah, those are technical details ☺). And it's pink.
Urmatorul cadou a fost de la mine penru mine (pot sa ma rasfat) si il iubesc. Un colier statement si o bratara asortata.
This following gift was a present from me to me (I can spoil myself) and I just love it. A statement necklace and a matching bracelet.
Acelea nu au fost singurele bijuterii, de la cumnata mea am primit un colier de margele superb.
Those were not the only jewelry, my sister-in-law got me a beautiful beads necklace.
Asa cum ati vazut mai sus Mosul mi-a adus (o zi mai devreme) 2 oje Nicole by OPI , una rosie - o puteti vedea AICI - Deep in Love, si una albastra - gumdrops - Blue-Berry Sweet on You. O voi prezenta in curand pe blog.
Impreuna cu cele doua oje am primit un gel de dus Balea cu coacaze, miroase divin!
Una dintre prietene mi-a daruit o decoratiune de sezon - suport de lumanare.
As you have seen above Santa brought me (a day early) 2 Nicole by OPI nail polishes, a red one - see it HERE - Deeply in Love and a blue one, gumdrops - Blue-Berry Sweet on You. The second one I'll show it soon.
Together with the nail polishes I've received a delicious shower gel from Balea with blueberries.It's to die for! My best friend got me this cute decoration - candle holder, shaped as a house.
Am primit si cateva produse Dove, sunt nerabdatoare sa incerc lotiunea de corp, miroase super, a crema si curat.
I also received some Dove products, I'm eager to try the body lotion, I love the way it's smells, creamy and clean.
Cred ca Mosul a fost bun cu mine si mi-a adus cadouri minunate.
I think Santa was good with me and brought me wonderful gifts.
Sper ca Mosul v-a adus ce v-ati dorit si/sau cadouri frumoase.Spuneti-mi in comentarii ce ati primit, sunt curioasa :-P
Hope Santa brought you what you wished for and/or beautiful presents.Let me know in the comments what you got, I'm curious :-P
Me and my friends (Santa and Snowman cookies jars wish you Happy Holidays (what is left of them).
See U Soon!