luni, 30 decembrie 2013

NOTD: Gumdrops - Last Monday Blues of 2013

Astazi va voi arata ultima manichiura albastra din 2013 din cadul colaborarii Monday Blues.Nu-mi vine sa cred ce repede a zburat 2013.
Today I'll show you my last Monday Blues manicure of 2013. I can't believe this year flew out so quick.

Pentru astazi am sa va arat unul din cadourile Mosului , oja Nicole by OPI in nuanta Blue-Berry Sweet on You.
For today I'll show you one of my Santa's presents, the Nicole by OPI nail polish in Blue-Berry Sweet on You.

Oja este una texturata, gumdrops cum o denumes ei, un mix intre o oja de tip sand si cele cu glitter marunt.
The nail polish is a textured one, a gumdrop as they call it, a mix between sand type nail polishes and small glittery ones.

Oja are o culoare bleu argintie, cu particule verzi, roz si mov, care nu mai sunt vizibile odata ce oja este aplicata pe unghii.
The nail polish has a blue silvery color, with hints of green, purple and pink that are not so visible once it is on the nails.
Aplicarea merge bine, dar in mod categoric este nevoie de doua straturi pentru o acoperire buna.Intr-un singur strat este destul de transparenta.

The application goes well but you definitely need two coats for a good coverage. In one coat it can be quite sheer.
Textura nu este atat de dura precum in cazul ojelor de tip sand si este mai placut de purtat pe unghii.Nu este recomandat aplicarea unui top coat,dar pe una din unghii eu am aplicat si nu am observat o diferenta foarte mare.Face culoarea mai intensa, dar nu ii schimba textura creata pe unghie.

The texture is not as harsh as the sand nail polishes and is more easy and pleasant to wear it on your nails.It is recommended not to apply top coat but on one of my nails I've applied it and the difference is not to big. It makes the color more bright, but it doesn't change to much the texture of the nail polish.
Pentru astazi am incercat sa creez un model simplu. Pe inelar am aplicat doua straturi de OPI My Vampire is a Buff (colectia Euro Centrale) si cu ajutorul bandei adezive am creat modelul.

For today I tried to create a simple model. On my ring finger I've applied two coats of OPI My Vampire is a Buff (Euro Centrale collection)  and with some help from tape I've created the model.
Dupa doua zile inca o am pe unghii si doar la vreo' 2 unghii s-a tocit la varfuri.
Sunt curioasa sa vad cum se va indeparta de pe unghii, daca este de ajuns stergerea cu acetona sau v-a trebui sa folosesc metoda foliei de aluminiu.

After two days I still have it on my nails and just two of them show signs of wear off.
I am eager to see how it will came off my nails, if it's easy to wipe it with acetone or if I have to use the foil method.
Nu uitati sa vedeti si manichiurile celorlalte fete participante la aceasta colaborare, le gasiti mai jos.
Ariel  (Lacquer: The Best Medicine) a creat linkurile pentru 2014 si in curand le voi actualiza pe blog (imaginea din partea dreapta - Monday Blues).

Do not forget to check out the other girls last post of 2013 for Monday Blues (below).
Ariel (Lacquer: The Best Medicine) has created new links for 2014 and soon I'll update the links on my blog (right side bar - picture).
Va doresc un 2014 grozav si sa va distrati in noaptea de Anul Nou!
Wishing you a great 2014 and have fun on New Year's eve/night.
See U Soon!