marți, 15 octombrie 2013

LWP (64)

Hello, hello!
A mai trecut o saptamana precum vantul...precum la la ...ok nu incep sa cant!
Another week is the la la...ok let's not start singing!

Iata saptamana mea:
Here is my week:
I really love this! / O iubesc, e super buna!!!
Review kkcenter ater Decals - Zippers (HERE)

Too much blue? / Prea mult albastru?

Review kkcenter plastic stamping plate (HERE)

 First pair of false eyelashes I've applied. Not very hard, but not perfect :-) / Prima pereche de gene false pe care am aplicat-o. Nu foarte greu, dar nici perfect
 I was tagged by @funandi to show my nails and what I'm drinking. I'm drinking milk and I'm wearing a combo manicure that I'll show you in detail on Saturday :-). Till then can you guess what I'm wearing? / Am fost taguita de Andi sa-mi arat unghiile si ceea ce beau. Beau lapte si port o manichiura combo ce o sa o postez pe blog sambata (nr. e deja postata). Pana atunci ghiciti ce port?
  Râde de mine...e urât să fii bolnav :-(
 Being crafty. @elisauc any guess? :-D / Lucru manual. Elisa ghicesti?
 Well that was exhausting, but is done. Now I see I have a few lipsticks. Need more :-) / Ei bine a fost obositor, dar am terminat. Acum observ ca am putine rujuri. Am nevoie de mai multe :-)
 New post (HERE)

Hot chocolate time watching 3MSC / Vremea pentru o ciocolata calda in timp ce ma uit la Tres Metros Sobre Cielo
 Tomorro's post is ready / Postarea de maine e gata 
It's yesterday's post (here) / n.r. e postarea de ieri (aici)

Aceasta a fost saptamana mea.
Cum a fost a voastra?

This was my week.
How was yours?

See U Soon!