luni, 21 octombrie 2013

Review: Ochelarii mei / My eyeglasses

Hello, hello!
Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre experienta mea cu in ceea ce priveste ochelarii de vedere.
Today I want to share with you my experience with regarding their eyeglasses. este un magazin online de ochelari, de la cei de vedere - cu dipotrie sau fara, pana la ochelari de soare si de designer.
Am auzit de din intamplare si am cautat site-ul lor pentru diferite forme de ochelari. is an online shop of eyewear, from eyeglasses, prescription or not, to sunglasses and designer glasses.
I've heard of by chance and I've searched their website looking for different shape of glasses.

In acel moment am aflat si de programul lor, prima pereche gratis, dar nu eram pregatita sa comand inca. Puteti citi mai multe depre acest program AICI.
At that point I found out also about their program, first pair free, but wasn't ready to order my pair yet. You can read more about that HERE.

In urma cu cateva saptamani am participat la giveaway-ul organizat pe blogul Alexandrei iar norocul a fost de partea mea: am castigat o pereche de ochelari gratuit (fara transport).
A few weeks ago I've took part of a giveaway on Alexandra's blog and the luck was on my side: I've won a free pair of glasses (without shipping).

Desi mi-au placut ACEASTA pereche, momentan nu mai este in stoc, asa ca am ales aceeasi forma, o alta culoare. AICI:
Although I loved THIS pair of glasses they are currently off stock, so I've chose the same shape, in other color. Here:
Am plasat comanda pe 1 octombrie. Ochelarii mei au dioptrii (-0,75) si a durat 8 zile ca lentilele sa fie livrate in magazin si inca 2 pana ochelarii au fost expediati.In total, ochelarii mi-au fost livrati dupa 14 zile. Au ajuns prin curier (DHL), iar transportul a costat 24$.
I've placed my order on 1st of October. My eyeglasses have prescription (-0,75) and that took 8 days to be delivered to their store and another 2 to be shipped. All round, my eyeglasses were delivered after 14 day. 
They arrived by courier (DHL) and the shipping cost was 24$.

Au venit intr-un toc tare de culoare neagra, cu o laveta din microfibra, un saculet negru in care se pot transporta ochelarii si o mini-surubelnita si 2 suruburi pentru bartele acestora.
They came in a solid black case, with a wiping microfibre cloth, a black sack to put the glasses and a little screwdriver and 2 screws for their arms.
Ochelarii au lentile standard 1.5, dar pe site poti alege diferite grosimi de la subtiri, la foarte subtiri sau lentile polarizate. Poti de asemenea sa le adaugi tratamente, de la cel anti-reflexie, la lentile heliomate sau photocromatice (colorate), la diferite preturi.
The glasses have standard lenses, 1.5,  but on their page you can choose different ones, from thin to ultra thin and polarized lenses, and you can choose add-ons on the lenses from anti-reflective, to gradient tint or photochromic, for different prices.

Site-ul are o optiune virtuala de incercare a ochelariilor pentru a vedea care ti se potrivesc.Incarci o poza de a ta, setezi distanta pupilara si apoi poti incerca oricate perechi doresti. Asa m-am decis asupra acestei rame.
The site has a virtual feature where you can try the glasses to see if they fit you. You just upload a picture of you, set the pupillary distance and there you go, you can try all the glasses.That's how I've was convinced to choose this pair.
Sunt destul de multumita de ochelarii mei si am primit destule complimente (sper ca au fost si sincere :D). A durat cateva zile pana m-am obisnuit cu aceasta forma, dar acum imi plac foarte mult.
I'm really pleased with my glasses and I've received a lot of compliments.Took a few days to get used to them, but now I love them.
Imi place ca ii pot purta atat cu parul desprins, cat si cu parul prins.
I like the fact I can wear them with my hair loose or in a bun or a pony tail.

Ce credeti? Cum imi sta? Credeti ca forma ma avantajeaza?
What do you think? How do I look?Do you think the shape suits me?

See U Soon!