miercuri, 30 octombrie 2013

marți, 29 octombrie 2013

LWP (66)

Hello, hello!
Timpul pentru o noua postare #instalife :-)
Time for another #instalife post :-)

My review on Firmoo.com eyeglasses (HERE)

luni, 28 octombrie 2013

NOTD: Monday Blues Sprinkles

Hello, hello!
Nu ne-am "vazut" de mult! Imi cer scuze, dar uneori trebuie sa ma deconectez pentru a-mi gasi inspiratia.
Long time, no see! I apologise, but sometimes I need to disconnect myself to be able to find inspiration.

Acestea fiind spuse manichiura de astazi este simpla, dar de efect. Ia uitati-va!
This being said today's manicure is simple but nice.Take a look!

marți, 22 octombrie 2013

LWP (65)

Hello, hello!
Timpul pentru o noua postare de tip #instalife.
It's time for a new #instalife post :-)

New Monday Blues Post (HERE)

luni, 21 octombrie 2013

vineri, 18 octombrie 2013

Vinerea Muzicala / Musical Friday (16)

Hello, hello!
Stiu ca saptamana trecuta am sarit peste aceasta postare, dar sa fiu sincera nu am avut melodii noi sa impartasesc, am ascultat unele mai vechi.

I know last week I skipped this blog post, but to be honest there weren't new songs on my playlist, I was just listening old ones.

joi, 17 octombrie 2013

marți, 15 octombrie 2013

LWP (64)

Hello, hello!
A mai trecut o saptamana precum vantul...precum vantul....la la la ...ok nu incep sa cant!
Another week is gone...like the wind...la la la...ok let's not start singing!

Iata saptamana mea:
Here is my week:
I really love this! / O iubesc, e super buna!!!

luni, 14 octombrie 2013

NOTD: Monday Blues DUO

Hello, hello!
O alta zi de luni, o noua postare Monday Blues.Desi cea de astazi nu este albastra in intragime :-D
Another Monday and another blue post.Although it's not entirely blue :-D

sâmbătă, 12 octombrie 2013


Hello, hello!
Imi cer scuze pentru lipsa de postari si de activitate din ultimele zile, dar am fost bolnava (stomacul a fost vinovat) si nu am fost in stare de nimic.
I'm sorry for the lack of post and activity these past days, but I was sick (my stomach was the trouble) unable to do anything.

Insa astazi ma simt mai bine si va pot arata ultima oja Golden Rose din colectia Carnival pe care o detin.
But today I'm feeling better and I can show you the last Golden Rose Carnival nail polish I have.

miercuri, 9 octombrie 2013

Review: kkcenterhk.com Plastic Stamping Plate

Hello, hello!
Da, ati citit bine, un alt review!
Impreuna cu water decals carora le-am facut  review luni (AICI) primite de la kkcenterhk.com am primit si aceasta stampila din plastic.

Yes you have read right, it's another review!
Together with the water decals I reviewed on Monday (HERE) from kkcenterhk.com I received today's plastic stamp.

marți, 8 octombrie 2013

LWP (63)

Timpul pentru o noua postare #instalife.
It's time for a new #instalife post.

Monday Blues (see HERE)

luni, 7 octombrie 2013

sâmbătă, 5 octombrie 2013

joi, 3 octombrie 2013


Hello, hello!
Astazi am sa va arat o noua combinatie a doua oje achizitionate in weekend de la targul Romexpo, Cosmetic Beauty Hair.
Today I'm here with a new NOTD showing you another combination of nail polishes bought last weekend during the Romexpo Cosmetic Beauty Hair Expo.

Este vorba de Gabrini 3D in nuanta 30 si Golden Rose Carnival nuanta 12.
I'm talking about Gabrini 3D in 30 and Golden Rose Carnival in 12.

marți, 1 octombrie 2013

LWP (62)

Hello, hello!
In ultimele zile vremea a fost groznica, a plouat non-stop, baltoace mari cu apa,apropape a trebuit sa vaslesc intr-o barca pana la munca!E rece,ploua, bate vantul!Urasc vremea!
Sper ca unde va aflati voi vremea sa fie mai buna

The last couple of days the weather has been awful here, non stop raining, big puddles of water, almost had to go rowing in a boat to work!.It's cold, it rains, it's windy! Hate it!
Hope were you are the weather is better.

Ok, m-am plans destul, haide-ti sa va arat saptamana mea in imagini:
Ok, I complained enough, so let me show you my last week pictures:
Monday Blues Post (HERE)