Hello, hello!
Nu ne-am "vazut" de mult! Imi cer scuze, dar uneori trebuie sa ma deconectez pentru a-mi gasi inspiratia.
Long time, no see! I apologise, but sometimes I need to disconnect myself to be able to find inspiration.
Acestea fiind spuse manichiura de astazi este simpla, dar de efect. Ia uitati-va!
This being said today's manicure is simple but nice.Take a look!
Aceasta manichiura este o combinatie intre Korres Blueberry si Golden Rose Impression nr. 04.
Oja Korres ati vazut-o AICI si AICI, dar v-o mai arat odata:
This manicure is a combination between Korres Blueberry and Golden Rose Impression no. 04.
You have already seen the Korres one HERE and HERE, but I'll show it to you once more:
Iubesc aceasta culoare si formula ojei, opaca intr-un strat, superba in doua.
I just love this colour and the formula, opaque in one coat, beautiful in two coats.
Am aplicat oja Golden Rose pentru a inveseli manichiura si sa o fac mai haioasa.Oja are fasiute albastre, portocalii si argintii.Imi place rezultatul final.
I've added the Golden Rose one to cheer up the manicure and make it more funny. The nail polish has blue, orange and silvery strips. I like the final result.
Va plac ojele de acest gen?
Do you like these type of nail polishes?
Puteti vedea si restul manichiurilor albastre lunii Octombrie in lista de mai jos:
Don't forget to check all the other Monday Blues manicures for October.
See U Soon!