luni, 5 august 2013

Monday Blues: Crystal Sand

Hello, hello!
Nu-mi vine sa cred ca e deja august!
I can't believe it's already August!

Astazi am sa va arat o oja ce se gaseste in colectia mea de mai bine de 1 an si o folosesc foarte rar.
For today I have to show you a nail polish I have over 1 year in my collection and I rarely use it.

Este o oja chinezeasca, X&D, numarul 25 Crystal Sand. Miroase ingrozitor, iar formula este super groasa. Este o incercare dupa liquid sands, dar una care a esuat lamentabil.
It's a Chinese brand, X&D , number 25 named Crystal Sand. Smells awful and the formulas is super thick. It's an attempt to liquid sands, but one failed miserably.

In pozele de mai sus e aplicata in 2 straturi, fara top coat.
In the pictures above I've applied 2 coats and no top coat.

SeeU Soon!