Asa cum am promis, astazi va arat ce mi-a adus Iepurasul de Paste (multe dintre lucruri au fost achizitionate inainte de Paste, dar pentru ca nu vi le-am aratat le voi include in aceasta postare ☺).
As I promised, I'll show you some of the things the Easter Bunny brought me (many of the things shown were purchased before the Easter but I like to include theme here ☺).
Ma pregatesc pentru vara asa ca aceste bratari sunt un accesoriu potrivit.Cred ca v-ati dat seama de ce le-am ales, nu?
I am getting ready for summer so these bracelets are the perfect accessories.I think you already know why I picked these, right?
Tot la capitolul accesorii (sa spunem) se incadreaza si acest port-carduri (un fel de protofel doar pentru carduri).De mult imi doream unul pentru a scapa de greutatea din portofel creata de toate cardurile de farmacii si magazine.
Speaking of accessories this card holder was a long dream of mine. I wanted to get rid of all the cards in my wallet. Now I can move all my pharmacies and shop cards in it and have a light wallet.
De fiecare data cand vizitez magazinele DM plec cu cate ceva de acolo. De data aceasta am plecat cu:
Every time I visit the DM stores I leave with some products.This time I left with:
Un gel de dus Mango Mambo. Iubesc gelurile lor de dus, miros fantastic!
A Mango Mambo shower gel. I love their shower gels, they smell fantastic!
Great Lash Mascara de la Maybelline nu mai este disponibil la noi in tara asa ca am fost norocoasa sa il gasesc in DM (in Germania inca este disponibil) si chiar la reducere 7,5 lei.
Great Lash Mascara from Maybelline is no longer available in our country and I was lucky to find this in DM (in Germany is still available) and on sale, 7,5 lei.
Am auzit multe lucruri bune depre acest rimel asa ca il voi incerca.Imi place pensula,iar in general acest tip de pensula imi face genele mai lungi.
I heard good things about it so I'll give it a go. I like the brush, generally this type of brush make my eyelashes longer.
Din pacate rujul nu a fost o alegere prea inspirata.A fost doar 10 lei, dar nu are culoare pe buze,nici macar sclipiciul nu este vizibil asa ca este mai degraba un strugurel (daca i-am putea spune asa).
Unfortunately the lipstick was not a great choice. It was only 10 lei, but is has no color on the lips, not even the sparkle is visible,so is more of a lip balm (if we can call it that).
Am cumparat (inca odata, cred ca e a sasea ora cand fac asta) tratamentul leav-in de la Avon cu ulei marocan pentru par si un creion negru SuperShock.Iubesc aceste creioane cu textura de gel.De la Oriflame am cumparat noul corector TheOne in nuanta Fair Light (ar fi trebuit sa cumpar nuanta Nude Pink avand in vedere ca vara e aproape).
I bought (again, I think is the 6th time I do this) the Avon Leave-in hair oil treatment and a black SuperShock eye pencil. I love these pencils with gel look texture.From Oriflame I bought the new TheOne Concealer in Fair Light (I should have bought the Nude Pink one given the summer is near).
Anul acesta Iepurasul a fost darnic si la capitolul hainute (avand in vedere ca ale mele kilograme se duc in sus a trebuit sa cumpar cateva lucruri de baza).
This year the Bunny Easter was generous also with clothes (also given the fact my weight increased I needed to buy some basic clothes).
Am cumparat acest top peplum de la un magazin local cu preturi foarte bune si haine de firma.Topul este Atmosphere.
I bought this peplum top from a local shop with great prices and brand items.The top is from Atmosphere.
O alta bluza Atmosphere, un roz prafuit, pe care o voi purta cu un maieu.
Another Atmosphere top,a light pink one, that I'll wear with a vest top.
In aceeasi culoare mi-am achizitionat acest top peplum de la Modexim.Aceste topuri ma avantajeaza,ascunzandu-mi burtica :-) (pe care trebuie sa o dau jos cu exercitii).
Sticking to this color, I also bought another peplum top.This type of tops suit me very well, hiding my tummy :-).
Tot de la Modexim mi-am cumparat o fusta dreapta, neagra, pentru zilele office ☺.
Also from Modexim I bought myself a black, straight skirt, for those office days☺.
Am vizitat si magazinul preferat pentru haine basic, LC Waikiki.Mi-am cumparat un tricou negru, simplu, cu un decolteu rotund si un tricou roz somon, cu fermoar la piept, perfect pentru vara.
I paid a visit to my favorite shop for basic clothes, LC Waikiki.I bought a plain black t-shirt with a round neck line and a pink salmon one, with a zip on the chest, perfect for summer.
In cele de urma mi-am luat si o perche de pantofi din piele cu siret, un model preferat de mine.Merge la fel de bine si cu panataloni si cu fusta si sunt foarte comozi.
And last but not least, a pair of leather lace shoes, my favorite type one.They go so well with pants and skirts and they are very comfortable.
Dupa cum ati vazut Iepurasul de Paste a fost generos cu mine.Promit sa fiu cuminte ☺
As you can see the Easter Bunny was generous with me.I promise I will be a good girl ☺
Voi ce ati primit de la Iepuras?
What have you got from the Easter Bunny?
See U Soon!