Cred ca a sosit vremea sa va arat ultimele bunatati achizitionate.Nu sunt atat de multe ca de obicei (incerc sa economisesc) insa vi le pot arata.
I think is time to show you my latest goodies and although they are not as many as always (I'm trying to save some money) there are few I can show you.
In ianuarie Beauty in The Bottle a avut reduceri si mi-am imbogatit colectia China Glaze cu trei produse.
In January Beauty in The Bottle had some sales and I bough a few nail polishes, China Glaze ones.
De la stanga la dreapta: Be Merry, Be Bright; Charmed, I'm Sure; Put a Bow on It. Primele doua le puteti vedea AICI.
From left to right: Be Merry, Be Bright; Charmed, I'm Sure; Put a Bow on It. The first two you ca see HERE.
Comanda mea AVON in luna ianuarie a fost mica,dar a avut produse pe care le indragesc.
My January Avon order was small, but with products I love.
I love the smell of the Spotlight perfume (bergamot, citrus,freesia,mimosa and vanilla),I love the argan oil for hair and my lipstick collection is bigger with a Color Trend Lipstick - Valentine's Day edition - in Adorable - a beautiful nude color.
O scurta vizita la magazinul local DM si am plecat cu urmatoarele:
A short visit to my local DM store brought me the followings:
Oje Nicole by Opi gumdrops (o puteti vedea AICI) si noua lotiune tonica LÓreal.Tocmai am inceput sa o folosesc, e ok pana acum,tot ce va pot spune e ca se simte ca are alcool (un minus).
The Nicole by OPI gumdrops nail polish (you can see it HERE) and the new LÓreal Purifying Toner.I just started using it, it's ok until now, all I can tell you is you can tell it has alcohol (that's a thumb down).
Magazinele JustCosmetics au reduceri de 50% asa ca le-am vizitat si am plecat cu:
The Just Cosmetics stores are having 50% sales so I paid them a visit from were I bought:
O pensula moale pentru blending.
A blending brush, a very soft one.
Un buretel pentru cocuri si o benttita cu tinte mici.
A sponge bun and a headband with small studs.
Un lantisor cu semnul pacii si alte accesorii.
And a necklace with peace signs and other charms.
De la o librarie locala am cumparat un semn de carte si un carnetel cu o coperta foarte draguta.
From a local book store I bought a book sign and a notebook with a cute cover.
Si vorbind de carti, a avut cateva coduri de reducere (40%,50%) si nu am putut rezista, completandu-mi astfel colectiile.
And speaking of books had some amazing discounts codes and I couldn't resist in completing my collections.
Cartea din stanga este ultimul volum publicat din seria Casa Noptii, iar cea din dreapta este "Iubirile Croitoresei" scrisa de autoarea spaniola Maria Duenas. Am vazut reclamele seriei spaniole cu acelasi nume si am fost curioasa sa citesc cartea.
The left one is the last volume printed from House of Night Series and the right one is "The Time in Between" by the Spanish author Maria Duenas. I've seen the promos for the series the Spanish made after the book and I was curious to read it.
Am plasat o comanda si pe site-ul de und epe langa o vesta foarte draguta si ieftina, mi-am achizitionat si suportul pentru cosmetice.Deja l-am umplut cu rujurile mele ☺Stativul il puteti gasi AICI.
I've made an order on where I bought, beside a cute and cheap vest, a cosmetic holder that is already full of my lipsticks ☺You can find it HERE.
Acestea au fost cumparaturile din aceasta luna, nu prea multe.Sunt produse generale, putine, dar pe care vreau sa vi le arat. Me imi place sa vad ce altii folosesc sau citesc asa ca le impartasesc si pe ale mele, in cazul in care exista cineva care face acelasi lucru.
These were all my purchases this month, quite a few.They are general items and I like to share, I like to know what others buy or read or use, so I share them too in case there are people out there that want to know.
Ati cheltuit multi bani in ianuarie?Ce ati cumparat?
Have you spent lots of money this January? What have you bought?
See U Soon!