marți, 7 mai 2013

Polish Days The Number 5

Hello, hello!
Iata ca a sosit timpul pentru postarea Polish Days a lunii mai.
Tema de luna aceasta este Numarul 5.
It's time for the May Polish Days post.
This month theme is "The Number 5".

Hannah  ne-a dat cateva idei pentru aceasta manichiura si, desi intial as fi vrut sa am ca inspiratie filmul "Al 5-lea elemet", m-am reorientat.
Hannah gave us some ideas for this month manicure and although initially I wanted to use as inspiration  the film "The Fifth Element", I refocused.

Pentru a reprezenta numarul 5 am decis sa ilustrez cele 5 simturi ale omului: vazul, auzul, gustul, mirosul si simtul tactil.
In order to represent the number five I've decided to illustrate the 5 human senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.

Ochiul reprezinta vazul; portativul muzical: sunetul; limba scoasa- simbolul Rolling Stones : gustul; ceasca de cafea: mirosul; iar inima este umpluta cu oja Opi Liquid Sand a carei textura este mai aspra la atingere: simtul tactil.
The eyes signifies the sight; the musical stave represent the hearing; the tongue or the Rolling Stone mouth, in my vision, represents the taste; the cup of coffee  means the smell (let's be honest, most people love the smell of coffee); and the heart on my thumb is filled with OPI Liquid Sand, nail polish that has a rough texture - signifies the touch.

Sa nu mai lungim vorba, iata manichiura:
Let's not talk so much, here it is my manicure:

Nu uitati sa treceti si pe la celelate fete, sa vedeti interpretarea lor a numarului 5.
Do not forget to visit the rest of the girls to see their interpretation of number 5: