sâmbătă, 3 ianuarie 2015

Welcome 2015!


Ne aflam in 2015 de trei zile asa ca vreau sa va urez un an cat mai bun, plin de impliniri, reusite, dragoste, sanatate si experiente inedite!

We are in 2015 for three days so I want to wish you a better year than 2014, full of accomplishments, success, love, health and new experiences.

Sper ca anul acesta blogul sa aiba mai multe postari, mai reusite, mai multe review-uri , mai multe lucruri bune.

I hope this year the blog will have more posts, better ones, more reviews, more good things.

Sper sa ne imprietenim mai bine, sa descoperim noi prietenii si sa invatam impreuna lucruri noi!
I hope we will be good friends, we will discover new friends and we will learn new things!

Ne vedem in curand!

See U Soon!

Tinuta si Make-up din noaptea de revlion (via Instagram):
My outfit fand make-up for New Year's Eve (via Instagram):