luni, 19 ianuarie 2015


Saptamana trecuta a zburat atat de repede incat nu imi vine sa cred ca este deja luni.
Fiind luni si neavand planificata o postare " albastra" am sa va arat pozele din spatamana trecuta. :-)

The past week flew so quick, I can't believe it's Monday already.
Being Monday and not having a Monday Blues post I will treat you wit a Last Week Photos post :-) .


Dinner! Baby spinach, cucumber, avocado, kalamata olives, cheese, olive oil, salt&peper, lemon juice.Good salad! / Cina! Spanac baby, castravete, avocado, masline kalamata, branza, ulei de masline, sare si piper, zeama de lamaie! O salata super buna!

Me happy, me happy! / Fericita, am whiteboard cu semnul pacii :-)

My first @moyou_london plate has arrived! So happy!  / Prima mea palete MoYou London a ajuns!

New blog post is up: a new nail polish I love HERE / O noua oja favorita - AICI

Feeling Christmassy! 

Party tonight! / O mica petrecere!


Spot the star! / Gasiti steaua!

Aceasta a fost spatamana mea! Mi-am petrecut weekendul in provincie si m-am incarcat cu energie pozitiva.
Sper sa aveti o saptamana buna!

This was my week! I spent the weekend in the countryside and I charged myself with good energy!
Hope you have a good week!

See you Soon!