luni, 8 iulie 2013

Monday Blues: Navy

Hello, hello!
O noua zi de luni, o noua postare.
A new day, a new Monday, a new blog post for Monday Blues!

Pentru astazi am avut in minte realizarea unui model pe inelar cu ajutorul unei placute Konad, din pacate, se pare ca am pus atat de bine placutele ca nu le mai gasesc.
Asa ca va voi prezenta doar oja.
For today I had in mind to do a stamping on my ring finger using a Konad plate, unfortunately I've stashed the plates in a good place, so good, I can't find them anymore.
This been said, for today I'll show you only the nail polish.

Am folosit oja Gabrini Diamond Multivitamin in nuanta D67, o superba nuanta albastru inchis (navy) cu shimmer mov - turcuaz. Din pacate apartul meu nu a putut surprinde acest shimmer sub nicio forma.
I've used the Gabrini Diamond Multivitamin shade D67, a beautiful dark blue color, navy, with purple and turquoise shimmer. Unfortunately my camera was unable to catch the beautiful shimmer.

Lumina naturala / Natural light:

Urmatoarea poza e singura care surprinde foarte putin shimmerul ojei care nu este notabil pe unghii in pozele de mai sus.
The below picture is the only one in which the purple shimmer is slightly visible.I wished it could be visible on my nails in the pictures above. 

Check out the other Monday Blues manicures of July
See U Soon!