Au trecut 4 luni de la ultima postare cu privire la produsele terminate - cand v-am aratat ce am terminat in 2014 - vedeti postarea AICI.
De acum incolo as vrea sa am astfel de postari mai des (cel putin la sfarsitul fiecarui anotimp :-D).
Asadar iata produsele goale/aruncate de la inceputul lunii Ianuarie pana in prezent.
It's been 4 months since my last post regarding my empties - when I showed you what I've finished during 2014 - see HERE.
From now on I want to write this type of blog posts more often (at least at the end of a season :-D ).
So here are my empties from January until now.
Voi incepe cu produsele de ingrijire a parului,
Am terminat 3 tuburi de sampon uscat Batiste (in poza doar doua deoarece al treilea era la fel ca cel cu flori de cirese - preferatul meu).Stiu ca am promis un review si sper sa il gasiti in curand pe blog.
I will start with hair care.
I've finished 3 spray cans of dry shampoo (pictured here only two, the third one is the same as the cherry one - my favorite). I know I promised a review and I hope soon will be up on the blog.
Am fost, in sfarsit, in stare sa arunc doua balsamuri de par ce stateau ratacite in baia mea.Urasc sa arunc produse care nu sunt complet goale, dar le aveam pe acestea de mult timp. Balsamul Nivea este unul sub forma de spuma si e atat de vechi ca nici nu se mai gaseste la noi pe piata.
Samponul Gerovital etse unul din favoritele mele in acest moment. Este ok pentru parul meu gras, iar impreuna cu samponul uscat Batiste fac echipa buna.
I finally was able to throw some conditioner that was in my bathroom. I hate throwing products that are not fully empty but I had them for a long time. The Nivea conditioner is so old is no longer available on the market as a foam.Yeah...I am a sentimental :-D
The shampoo is my current favorite and it's from Gerovital. It's ok for my greasy hair and combined with the dry shampoo from Batiste it's a good choice.
In ceea ce priveste ingrijirea corporala am fost fata cuminte si am terminat ceva produse.
Regarding body care I was really a good girl and finished quite a few products.
Niciunul din deodorantele de mai sus nu m-a impresionat in mod special, dor cel BU avea un miros placut, dar din pacate aceasta varianta nu se mai gaseste pe piata.
None of the above impressed me much, the BU one had a great aroma, but it's no longer available on the market.
Intodeauna folosesc impreuna cu deodorantul roll-on sau stick si un deodrant spray, astfel am terminat:
I always combine my deo stick or roll on with a spray one, so I also finished the following sprays:
Imi plac spray-urile Bourjois si mereu imi place sa incerc noile arome, dar am cateva favorite.
Deodorantul Mitchum este o achizitie din Londra si chiar imi pare rau ca l-am terminat deoarece nu il pot gasi in Romania, nici macar varianta roll-on deoarece nu mai exista distribuitor la noi in tara pentru aceste produse.
I like Bourjois deo spray and I always like to try their new fragrances, but a few are my favorites.
The Mitchum body spray was purchased in London and I really am sorry I can not find it here in Romania, not even the roll-on because there is no longer an importer for them.
Produsele de ingrijire a fetei de mai sus au expirat, cu exceptia cremei Sephora pe care am terminat-o complet (si am re-cumparat-o). Chiar mi-a placut crema cu SPF 50+ Vichy Capital Soleil si crema pentru ten gras de la Baikal. Le recomand cu caldura.
Din pacate masca Yves Rocher nici nu am folosit-o si chiar imi pare rau sa o arunc nefolosita :-(
The face related items from above have passed their expiration date, except the Sephora cream that I finished (and re-purchased). I really loved the Vichy Capital Soleil 50+ and the Baikal cream for oily skin, I highly recommend them.
The Yves Rocher masque I am afraid I didn't used it and I am sorry to throw away a full product :-(
Gelul Magic este un gel stralucitor pentru corp si l-am utilizat rar, dar a stat ratacit in sertarele mele de atatia ani incat era vremea sa ii spun "Adio!".
Crema de maini Sephora este una din favoritele mele in ceea ce priveste mirosul! Il ador!
The Magic gel is a shimmer one and I used it so rarely, but it's been in my drawers for many years and I think is time to say goodbye.
The Sephora hand cream is one of my favorite because it smells to die for!!
Produsele de mai sus sunt cele legate de ingrijirea unghiutelor. Acetona Killis e unua din cele mai bune de pe piata (e de fapt fara accetona) si iti lasa unghiile hidratate si lucioase.
Am terminat spray-ul de uscare rapida de la Avon, iar toate acele top coat-uri trebuiau aruncate deoarece s-au ingrosat. Urasc cand se intampla asta, mai ales cand esti doar la jumatatea sticlei.
Tratamentele Oriflame le-am folosit rar deoarece nu am observat sa aiba efecte.
These were my nails related items that I finished or thrown. The Killis nail polish remover is the best one! It leaves your nails so shinny and hydrated.
I've finished the Avon fast dry spray, and all the top coats needed to be thrown because they are too thick. I hate when this happens, especially when you are only half way through the bottle.
The Oriflame treatments I rarely used them because I didn't saw any effect.
Am terminat inca o sticla de lotiune micelara Garnier si o apa tonica Alverde.
I finished another Garnier Micellar water and an Alverde tonic.
Produse de machiaj: un fond de ten Oriflame pe care nu l-am folosit deoarece nu era nuanta mea (prea inchis), un concealer Catrice deoarece mi-a provocat acnee in zonele in care l-am folosit (mici cosulete) si un balsam de buze de la Berkley Square.
Make-up related items: an oriflame foundation that I never used being to dark for my skin tone, the Catrice concealer that made me break (with acne) and a lip balm from Berkeley Square.
Doua luciuri de buze MAC (sunt foarte vechi) si un ruj Jordana.
Two MAC lip glosses (they are really old) and a Jordana Lipstick.
Tusul gel de la essence - s-a uscat in borcanas, un fard IL Makiage si unul Yves Rocher pe care l-am spart si nu am vrut sa il repar.
My essence gel eyeliner - dried in the pot, a IL Makiage eyeshadow and a Yves Rocher one that I smashed and didn't want to fix.
Am aruncat si un corector Maybelline, o baza pentru fardul de pleoape de la elf - cu sclipici, un creion jumbo de la Oriflame si am terminat parfumul Spehora floare de bumbac [nicio grija, am deja unul nou :-P ].
I also thrown a Maybelline concealer, the elf eyeshadow insurrance - a sparkly one, a Oriflame blue jumbo eye pencil and I really finished my Sephora cotton perfume [no worries, I have a new one :-P ].
Acestea au fost produsele terminate/expirate pana in prezent.
Sunt curioasa care vor fi urmatoarele produse terminate. Sper sa fiu determinata si sa termin mai multe.
Nu stiu daca v-am spus, dar cand un produs se apropie de terminare am tendinta sa nu il mai folosesc astfel incat sa nu il mai termin. Nu stiu de ce, oricand imi pot cumpara unul nou.
Patiti asa ceva?
These were my empty products up to date.
I really am curios what will be my next finished products.I hope to be determined and finish a lot more.
I do not know if I told you but when there is left very little product I tend to avoid using that one so I can not throw it. I do not know why, because I always can buy a new one .
Do you ever feel like that?
Ce produse ati terminat?
What products have you finished?
See you soon!
The shampoo is my current favorite and it's from Gerovital. It's ok for my greasy hair and combined with the dry shampoo from Batiste it's a good choice.
Regarding body care I was really a good girl and finished quite a few products.
Niciunul din deodorantele de mai sus nu m-a impresionat in mod special, dor cel BU avea un miros placut, dar din pacate aceasta varianta nu se mai gaseste pe piata.
None of the above impressed me much, the BU one had a great aroma, but it's no longer available on the market.
Intodeauna folosesc impreuna cu deodorantul roll-on sau stick si un deodrant spray, astfel am terminat:
I always combine my deo stick or roll on with a spray one, so I also finished the following sprays:
Imi plac spray-urile Bourjois si mereu imi place sa incerc noile arome, dar am cateva favorite.
Deodorantul Mitchum este o achizitie din Londra si chiar imi pare rau ca l-am terminat deoarece nu il pot gasi in Romania, nici macar varianta roll-on deoarece nu mai exista distribuitor la noi in tara pentru aceste produse.
I like Bourjois deo spray and I always like to try their new fragrances, but a few are my favorites.
The Mitchum body spray was purchased in London and I really am sorry I can not find it here in Romania, not even the roll-on because there is no longer an importer for them.
Produsele de ingrijire a fetei de mai sus au expirat, cu exceptia cremei Sephora pe care am terminat-o complet (si am re-cumparat-o). Chiar mi-a placut crema cu SPF 50+ Vichy Capital Soleil si crema pentru ten gras de la Baikal. Le recomand cu caldura.
Din pacate masca Yves Rocher nici nu am folosit-o si chiar imi pare rau sa o arunc nefolosita :-(
The face related items from above have passed their expiration date, except the Sephora cream that I finished (and re-purchased). I really loved the Vichy Capital Soleil 50+ and the Baikal cream for oily skin, I highly recommend them.
The Yves Rocher masque I am afraid I didn't used it and I am sorry to throw away a full product :-(
Gelul Magic este un gel stralucitor pentru corp si l-am utilizat rar, dar a stat ratacit in sertarele mele de atatia ani incat era vremea sa ii spun "Adio!".
Crema de maini Sephora este una din favoritele mele in ceea ce priveste mirosul! Il ador!
The Magic gel is a shimmer one and I used it so rarely, but it's been in my drawers for many years and I think is time to say goodbye.
The Sephora hand cream is one of my favorite because it smells to die for!!
Produsele de mai sus sunt cele legate de ingrijirea unghiutelor. Acetona Killis e unua din cele mai bune de pe piata (e de fapt fara accetona) si iti lasa unghiile hidratate si lucioase.
Am terminat spray-ul de uscare rapida de la Avon, iar toate acele top coat-uri trebuiau aruncate deoarece s-au ingrosat. Urasc cand se intampla asta, mai ales cand esti doar la jumatatea sticlei.
Tratamentele Oriflame le-am folosit rar deoarece nu am observat sa aiba efecte.
These were my nails related items that I finished or thrown. The Killis nail polish remover is the best one! It leaves your nails so shinny and hydrated.
I've finished the Avon fast dry spray, and all the top coats needed to be thrown because they are too thick. I hate when this happens, especially when you are only half way through the bottle.
The Oriflame treatments I rarely used them because I didn't saw any effect.
Am terminat inca o sticla de lotiune micelara Garnier si o apa tonica Alverde.
I finished another Garnier Micellar water and an Alverde tonic.
Produse de machiaj: un fond de ten Oriflame pe care nu l-am folosit deoarece nu era nuanta mea (prea inchis), un concealer Catrice deoarece mi-a provocat acnee in zonele in care l-am folosit (mici cosulete) si un balsam de buze de la Berkley Square.
Make-up related items: an oriflame foundation that I never used being to dark for my skin tone, the Catrice concealer that made me break (with acne) and a lip balm from Berkeley Square.
Doua luciuri de buze MAC (sunt foarte vechi) si un ruj Jordana.
Two MAC lip glosses (they are really old) and a Jordana Lipstick.
Tusul gel de la essence - s-a uscat in borcanas, un fard IL Makiage si unul Yves Rocher pe care l-am spart si nu am vrut sa il repar.
My essence gel eyeliner - dried in the pot, a IL Makiage eyeshadow and a Yves Rocher one that I smashed and didn't want to fix.
Am aruncat si un corector Maybelline, o baza pentru fardul de pleoape de la elf - cu sclipici, un creion jumbo de la Oriflame si am terminat parfumul Spehora floare de bumbac [nicio grija, am deja unul nou :-P ].
I also thrown a Maybelline concealer, the elf eyeshadow insurrance - a sparkly one, a Oriflame blue jumbo eye pencil and I really finished my Sephora cotton perfume [no worries, I have a new one :-P ].
Acestea au fost produsele terminate/expirate pana in prezent.
Sunt curioasa care vor fi urmatoarele produse terminate. Sper sa fiu determinata si sa termin mai multe.
Nu stiu daca v-am spus, dar cand un produs se apropie de terminare am tendinta sa nu il mai folosesc astfel incat sa nu il mai termin. Nu stiu de ce, oricand imi pot cumpara unul nou.
Patiti asa ceva?
These were my empty products up to date.
I really am curios what will be my next finished products.I hope to be determined and finish a lot more.
I do not know if I told you but when there is left very little product I tend to avoid using that one so I can not throw it. I do not know why, because I always can buy a new one .
Do you ever feel like that?
Ce produse ati terminat?
What products have you finished?
See you soon!