vineri, 1 august 2014

NOTD: Nude Friday

Astazi vreau sa va arat o oja nude perfecta din colectia Rimmel Rita Ora - 513 Let's Get Nude.
Aceasta nuanta a fost cea pe care nu am gasit-o atunci cand v-am aratat toata colectia - puteti vedea AICI si AICI.

Today I want to show you a perfect nude from the Rimmel Rita Ora Collection 513 Let's Get Nude.
This shade was the one I didn't found when I showed you the collection - see HERE and HERE.

Oja este una cremoasa, usor de aplicat, cu o acoperire moderata.
Am aplicat-o in doua straturi, dar inca poti vedea varfurile unghiilor, deci nu este foarte opaca.

The nail polish is a creamy one, easy to apply with quite a sheer color.
I applied it in two coats, but you can still see the tips of your nails,so is not that opaque.
Finishul este dragut.Am purtat-o timp de trei zile pe unghii fara top coat si nu a sarit.
The finish is nice.I wore it 3 day on my nails without top coat and it didn't chipped yet.
Deoarece manichiura era prea simpla am pus accent pe unghia degetului ielar si a degetului mare.
Because the manicure was to simple I did some accent nails , my thumb and my ring finger.
Am folosit Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 109 (o puteti vedea AICI).
Cred ca arata foarte dragut.

I used Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 109 (see also HERE).
I think it looks super cute.
Urmatoarea poza este in lumina naturala.
Next picture is taken under natural light.
Ce spuneti?Va place combinatia?
What do you think? Do you like the combination?

See U Soon!