luni, 25 august 2014

Monday Blues: Mind the Gap, Victoria

A trecut multa vreme de cand am postat in cadrul acestei colaborari si mi-a lipsit. Astfel astazi am sa va arat manichiura mea albastra.
It's been so long since I took part in this beautiful collaboration and I really missed it. So today I will show you my blue manicure.

Oja pe care ma folosit-o este de la Rimmel Colectia 60 seconds: 503, Mind the Gap, Victoria,
E o nuanta frumoasa de albastru, perfecta pentru vara. Este greu de descris nuanta, avand tonuri reci de albastru, putandfi numita o nuanta baby blue.

The nail polished I used is from Rimmel 60 seconds collection: 503 Mind the Gap, Victoria.
It's a beautiful shade of blue, perfect for summer. It's very hard to describe it, it's a cool tone blue, more of a baby blue.
Aplicarea este in regula, dar in mod clar ai nevoie de doua straturi pentru a obtine o aplicare uniforma. Daca este aplicata intr-un singur strat apar dare pe suprafata unghiei. Aplicata in doua straturi finish-ul va fi unul lucios si acoperirea perfecta.

The application is ok but you need to coats in order to obtain a smooth look. If applied in one coat the layer is not uniform, leaving patches and the nail is imperfect covered. But applied in two coats will solve the problem and the finish will be glossy.
Imi plac mereu aceste tonuri de alastru deoarece se potrivesc bine cu tonul pielii mele.
I always love these types of blue because they go very well with my skin tone.
A rezistat pe unghii fara top coat 6 zile si asa arata in a sasea zi:
It lasted on my nails without top coat 6 days and this is how it looked on the 6th day:
Cred ca arata destul de bine, a sarit doar foarte putin pe anumite unghii.
I think it looks quite good, it chipped just in tiny areas.

Nu uitati sa verificati  si restul manichiurilor albastre (linkuri mai jos):
Do not forget to check out the rest of the Monday Blue posts from the links below: