miercuri, 27 august 2014

Goodies: Statement Earrings

Dupa cum bine stiti bijuteriile statement sunt "pe val" in aceasta perioada si dupa ce v-am prezentat noile achizitii pentru colectia mea de coliere (AICI) astazi am sa va arat ultimele achizitii ale colectiei mele de cercei.

Statement jewelry is the trend this days and after I presented you with my new additions to my necklaces collection (HERE) today I'll show you my latest acquisition to my earrings collection.

Toate perechile au fost cumparate la reduceri si au fost super ieftine (e metoda mea favorita de a face cumparaturi - la reduceri ☺).
Am sa vi le prezint pe fiecare in parte.

They all were bought in the sales and they were super cheap(it's my favorite way of shopping - in the sales ☺).
Let me present them to you one by one.
Aceasta pereche frumoasa are pietre verzi si rose, de diferite forme. Este unda din perechile mele faorite si cea mai elganta dintre toate, in opinia mea.

This beautiful pair has green and rose gold stones,with different shapes. Is one of my favorite pairs and is the most elegant one, in my opinion.
Merg perfect cu o rochie neagra cu un decolteu discret.
It would be perfect with a black dress with small cleavage. 

A doua pereche este ultima pe lista mea de favorite si o voi imparti cu mama.
This second pair is my least favorite pair and I will share them with my mum.
Nu imi plac perlele si le port foarte rar, dar perechea e perfecta pentru mama. Sunt aurii cu pietre roz, o perla mica sub acestea si o perla mare ce atarna.

I do not like pearls and I rarely wear them, but they are perfect for my mama.They are in gold with rose stones, a little pearl under the stones and a bigger one hanging down.

A treia pereche e preferta mea.
The third pair is my favorite one.
Culoarea mi-a atras atentia pentru ca se potriveste foarte bine cu maieul meu portocaliu (am un singur maieu portocaliu si se pare ca doresc sa asortez tot cu el :-P) si imi place forma pe care o au.

The color draw my attention because it goes very well with my orange top (I only have one orange top but it seems I want to combine everything with it :-P ) and I like the shape they have.

Urmatoarea pereche combina culori frumoase. Forma pe care o au ii face sa para eleganti.
The next pair combines beautiful colors.The shape they have makes them look elegant.
Imi place forma si culoarea pietrelor acvamarin. Trebuie sa recunosc ca verdele neon / galbenul fosforescent este un detaliu diferit, dar arata foarte bine.

I love the shape and the aquamarine color stones. I must admit the neon green / neon yellow is a different touch but they still look amazing.

Ultima pereche o impart tot cu mama si i-am gasit si inel care sa se potriveasca.

The last pair I also share with my mum and I found a matching ring for them.
Sunt foarte eleganti si imi plac tare mult trandafirii. Deoarece sunt negrii merg cel mai bine cu parul prins.

They are very elegant and I love the roses. Because they are black they go better with my hair up.

Acestea au fost ultimele achizitii.
Va plac cerceii statement?
Care dintre acestia va plac cel mai mult?

These were my latest addition. 
Do you fancy statement earrings?
Which of these do you like most?

See U Soon!