vineri, 14 februarie 2014

NOTD: Sweet Valentine ♥

La multi ani! cu ocazia Sfantului Valentin - sarbatoarea importata de peste hotare, daca o sarbatoriti. Daca nu, sa aveti o zi de vineri frumoasa!
Nu puteam sa las aceasta sarbatoare sa treaca neobservata aici pe blog, asa ca va prezint propunerea mea.
Happy Valentine! if you are celebrating, if not, Happy Friday!
I couldn't let this Valentine to pass without showing you a proper manicure ☺
Am folosit: / I used:

miercuri, 12 februarie 2014

LOTD: Purple All the Way!

Incerc sa imi imbunatatesc tehnicile de machiaj si sunt foarte curioasa sa invat tehnica creionului.Pana pot obtine rezultate satisfacatoare folosind aceasta tehnica am folosit creionul nergu pentru a obtine un machiaj smokey eyes.
Inca invat si inca sunt incepatoare in aplicarea genelor false, va rog sa nu uitati.
Sunt deschisa sugestiilor ☺ si va rog sa fiti respectuoase ☺
I'm trying to get better on my makeup techniques and I'm intrigued by the pencil technique.Until I can make something good using this technique I used the black pencil to create a smokey eye make-up.
I'm still learning and I'm still new on applying false eye lashes, please have that in mind.
I'm opened to suggestions ☺ and please be respectful ☺.

Here we go!

luni, 10 februarie 2014

Goodies: Ianuarie 2014 /January 2014

Cred ca a sosit vremea sa va arat ultimele bunatati achizitionate.Nu sunt atat de multe ca de obicei (incerc sa economisesc) insa vi le pot arata.
I think is time to show you my latest goodies and although they are not as many as always (I'm trying to save some money) there are few I can show you.

In ianuarie Beauty in The Bottle a avut reduceri si mi-am imbogatit colectia China Glaze cu trei produse.
In January Beauty in The Bottle had some sales and I bough a few nail polishes, China Glaze ones.
De la stanga la dreapta: Be Merry, Be Bright; Charmed, I'm Sure; Put a Bow on It. Primele doua le puteti vedea AICI.
From left to right: Be Merry, Be Bright; Charmed, I'm Sure; Put a Bow on It. The first two you ca see HERE.

vineri, 7 februarie 2014

NOTD: Be Charmed!

Pana o sa reusesc sa-mi fac timp pentru a scrie pararea mea despre produsele pe care le-am folosit si mi-au placut in ultima vreme am sa va arat ultima manichiura, o combinatie.
Until I can make time to write a review for some of the products I used and liked lately ☺ I'll show you my latest manicure, a combo.

marți, 4 februarie 2014

NOTD: Cinna-Man of My Dreams

A trecut multa vreme de cand v-am aratat o manichiura asa ca mi s-a parut potrivit sa scriu o astfel de postare.
Long time since I've shown you a manicure so I thought it was proper to have this type of post.

Astazi va arat o oja Nicole by OPI,uan de tip gumdrops numita Cinna-Man of My Dreams.
As the title says, today I'm showing you a Nicole by OPI nail polish, a gumdrops one, called Cinna-Man of My Dreams.

sâmbătă, 1 februarie 2014