luni, 10 iunie 2013

Monday Blues: NOTD Extreme

Hello, hello!
Incepand de astazi am sa incerc ca in fiecare zi de luni sa iau parte la aceasta colaborare numita Monday Blues.
In fiecare zi de luni trebuie sa va prezint o manichiura ce contine culoarea albastra.
Ii multumesc Mihaelei de la Laquer Buzz care mi-a facut cunostinta cu acest proiect.

Hello, hello!
Starting today I will try every Monday to take part in this collaboration called Monday Blues.
Every Monday I must show you a manicure that has the color blue in it.
Thank you Mihaela, from Laquer Buzz  for giving me the chance to take part to this collaboration.

Asadar iata manichiura mea de astazi:
Therefor this is my manicure for today:

Am folosit o oja castigata la un giveaway. Este vorba de Essence Season of Extremes in nuanta 01 It's two brigt.Sticluta are 2 oje, cea albastra si una sidefata/stralucitoare intr-o nuanta de galben cu reflexe aurii.

I used a nailpolish won in a giveaway. It's Essence Season of Extremes number 01 It's two Bright. It has 2 nailpolishes, the blue one and a yellow shimmery one.

Aplicarea s-a facut usor, insa ,din pacate, oja mi-a patat unghiutele chiar daca am folosit base coat.
The application went easy, but unfortunately the nail polish  stained my nails although I used a base coat.

Am aplicat si oja "sclipicioasa" insa doar pe inelar. Efectul creat mi-a placut destul de mult.
I've applied the second nail polish, the glittery one on my ring finger nail. I really liked the effect.

Nu uitati sa vizitati si restul fetelor pentru a vedea manichiurile lor.
Do not forget to visit the rest of the girls taking part in this collaboration.

See U Soon!

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