luni, 29 decembrie 2014

NOTD: Last Monday Blues of the Year!

Nu am mai avut o postare in cadrul acestei colaborari de multa vreme si avand in vedere ca este ultima zi de luni din acest an m-am gandit ca este ocazia perfecta.
Oja de astazi a fost un cadou din partea unei prietene cu ocazia lui Mos Nicolae.

I haven't done a blog post for Monday Blues in ages and being the last Monday of this year I thought it's the perfect occasion.
Today's Monday Blue was a gift from a friend on Saint Nicholas day (6th of December).

sâmbătă, 27 decembrie 2014

marți, 23 decembrie 2014

NOTD: Christmas Red II

Ne intalnim inca odata! :-)
Asa cum v-am promis in ultima postare, vreau sa va arat alegerile mele legate de oja rosie perfecta pentru Craciun.
Prima alegere o puteti gasi AICI.

We meet again! :-)
As I promised you in my last post, I want to show you my picks for the perfect red nail polish for Christmas.
I showed you my first choice HERE

Alegerea de astazi este o premiera pentru mine, este prima mea oja Ciate. Am cumparat oja in vacanta mea la Londra (haul AICI) din TK Maxx
Today's choice is a first for me, my first Ciate nail polish. I've bought the nail polish from my holiday to London (haul HERE) from TK Maxx.

luni, 22 decembrie 2014

NOTD: Christmas Red I

Avand in vedere ca au mai rams doar 3 zile pana la Craciun vreau sa va arat alegerile mele cu privire la oja rosie perfecta pentru a o purta pe unghii in aceasta zi speciala.

Seeing that there are left only 3 days until Christmas I want to show you my picks for the perfect red nail polish to wear on this special day.

Astazi am sa va arat cea mai frumoasa oja rosie nisipoasa pe care am vazut-o (si incercat-o), Avon Stardust nuanta Cherry Dazzler.

Today I'll show you the most beautiful sand type red nail polish I've seen (and tried), Avon Stardust in Cherry Dazzler.

sâmbătă, 20 decembrie 2014

Review: L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara

Desi oficial lansat pe piata noastra saptamana trecuta, L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara (in curand in magazine) se gaseste in colectia mea inca din luna iunie cand l-am achizitionat de pe

"Vinovata"de dorinta de a il incerca este Kandee Johnson care a avut un video First Impresions despre el.

vineri, 19 decembrie 2014

NOTD: Rock

Asa cum am promis in ultima postare  astazi am sa va arat manichiura pe care am purtat-o la petrecerea tematica, casual rock.
Nu este o manichiura rock, dar are cele 2 nuante predominante din tinuta mea: negru si auriu.

As I promised in my last blog post today I will show you my manicure from the themed party casual rock.
It's not a rock manicure, but it has the 2 main colors of my outfit: black and gold

miercuri, 17 decembrie 2014

LOTD: Rock, baby!

Stiu, inca odata am luat o pauza, insa postarea de astazi cred ca va compensa absenta.
I know, again I took a break, but I think the post today will compensate my absence.

Vinerea ce a trecut am avut petrecerea de Craciun in cadrul companiei la care lucrez, o petrecere tematica: Casual Rock.
Desi tinuta era stabilita, machiajul era in ceata, nu aveam nicio idee.
Am cerut sfatul make-up artisului Adina Vlad, mi-a oferit cateva, iar saptamana trecuta, inaite de petrecere, a postat un tutorial video. A fost exact ce imi trebuia.
Astfel inspiratia pentru machiajul meu este videoclipul Adinei.

This past Friday we had the Christmas Party at the company I work, a theme party: Casual Rock.
Although I knew what I was going to wear, the makeup was a total blur.
I asked some advice from the makeup artist Adina Vladshe offerd a few and last week, before my party, she uploaded a video tutorial. It was a perfect match.
So the inspiration for the makeup I wore and I will show you today was Adina's video.

Iar aceasta este interpretarea mea a machiajului:
And this is my interpretation of the makeup tutorial:

Datorita temei petrecerii am dorit sa port un ruj puternic pe buze. A fost ocazia perfecta sa folosesc glossul mat NYX Transylvania achizitionat de Black Friday (detalii AICI).
Am aplicat lip glossul usor, iar ulterior l-am sters usor prin apasarea unui servetel pe suprafata buzei pentru o culoare mai domola.

Because of the theme of the party I wanted to have a strong and bold lip. It was the perfect occasion to use the NYX Transylvania lip gloss purchased on Black Friday (details HERE). 
I applied the lip gloss gently and then dabbed a tissue over it for a more soft color.

Poza cu blit: 
Picture with flash:
Detalii ale ochiilor:
Details on the eyes:

Am folosit gene false si ar fi trebuit sa le tai. Le-am aplicat prea aproape de coltul intern si m-au deranjat putin.

I used false eye lashes and I should have cut them. I applied them to close to my inner corner and they bothered me a bit.

Am avut si o manichiura speciala. Mai multe detalii intr-o postare viitoare. Pana atunci un mic preview.
I also had a special manicure. More details in a future post. Until then a quick preview :-)

Prodse folosite: / Products I used:

- hydraluron moisturizer
- MAC Prolongwear - shade NW20
- Collection Lasting perfection in 02 Cool Medium
- Maybelline Affinitone in 16 Vanilla Rose
- Rimmel Stay Matte in 001 Transparent
- Sleek Face Contiur in Light
- Sleek blush by 3 in Oink Lemonade

- too faced lemon drop shadow insurance (not in the picture)
- Avon superchock pencil in black 
- MAC Woodwinked
- Make up for ever pigment (old collection)
- Maybelline gel eyeliner 
- Barry M Showgirl mascara
- essence eyebrown pencil in 02 Brown
- Ardell demi wispies false eyelashes

- NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream Transylvania

See U Soon!

sâmbătă, 6 decembrie 2014

LOTD: Beautiful Oana

Today I want to show you my beautiful friend Oana and the makeup I did on her.

I used a Sephora foundation and powder, Maybelline and Catrice  concealer ,Sleek contour kit in light, MAC Margin blush and the Balm Mary-Lou Manizer.

On the eyes I mostly used the Sleek Au Naturel palette,MAC Shroom, Maybelline gel eyeliner and the Ardell Demi Wispies false eye lashes.

For the brows I used a Farmasi powder in medium brown.
On the lips I used a Sephora matte lipstick.

See  U Soon!

joi, 4 decembrie 2014

marți, 2 decembrie 2014

Goodies: Sammydress Jewelry / Bijuterii Sammydress


Daca imi cititi blogul stiti ca am plasat ceva comenzi pe de unde mi-am achizitionat cateva produse si am fost multumita de ele (articole AICI si AICI).

If you read my blog you know I've ordered from  some products and I was pleased with them (blog article HERE and HERE).

luni, 1 decembrie 2014

La Multi Ani, Romania!

La multi ani, Romania!
La multi ani, dragi romani de pretutindeni!

Desi afara "ninge neincetat", o mare parte din noi sunt prezenti la manifestatile dedicate zilei nationale.
Recunosc, nu am ieisit din casa, dar vreau sa felicit pe toti cei care in fiecare an sunt prezentati la aceste festivitati.

In acest an nu am pregatit nimic "creativ"pentru a sarbatori Ziua Nationala, insa va invit sa vedeti postarile din anii trecuti.

2013 - mai multe poze AICI

2012 - mai multe poze AICI

Sper sa aveti o zi frumoasa, oriunde ati fi!

La Multi Ani, Romania!