joi, 4 decembrie 2014

NOTD: Cotton Candy

Astazi vreau sa va arat o noua nuanta Miss Sporty Crush on You , o nuanta superba de roz pal.
Today I want to show you another Miss Sporty Crush on You nail polish, a beautiful pink one.

V-am aratat deja doua oje din aceasta colectie, un rosu portocaliu - AICI si copia perfecta - AICI.
I've already shown you two of the nail polishes in this range, a fiery red - HERE and the perfect dupe - HERE.

Oja de astazi este tot o texturata, cu efect de nisip fin intr-o nuanta superba de roz.
Today's nail polish is also a textured one, a fine sand type of nail polish in a beautiful baby pink color.

Oja contine un mix subtil de sclipici fin argintiu si roz.
The nail polish is a mix of fine silver and pink glitter.

Aplicarea se face foarte usor, efectul perfect fiind vizibil la aplicarea a doua straturi de oja.
The application is very easy, the perfect effect being visible in two coats.

Imi place ca efectul final este subtil, textura nefiind prea "grunjoasa"si poti sa te bucuri de nuanta ojei.
Este perfecta si pentru stampilarea de modele asa cum am facut pe inelar unde am stampilat un model de pe o placuta Born Pretty.
I like that the texture finish is subtle and you can enjoy the beautiful shade of the nail polish.
It's also perfect for stamping patterns, as I did on my accent nail using a Born Pretty plate.

Care nuanta din colectia Miss Sporty Crush on You este favorita voastra?
Which shade is your favorite from Miss Sporty Crush on You range?

See U Son!