luni, 22 decembrie 2014

NOTD: Christmas Red I

Avand in vedere ca au mai rams doar 3 zile pana la Craciun vreau sa va arat alegerile mele cu privire la oja rosie perfecta pentru a o purta pe unghii in aceasta zi speciala.

Seeing that there are left only 3 days until Christmas I want to show you my picks for the perfect red nail polish to wear on this special day.

Astazi am sa va arat cea mai frumoasa oja rosie nisipoasa pe care am vazut-o (si incercat-o), Avon Stardust nuanta Cherry Dazzler.

Today I'll show you the most beautiful sand type red nail polish I've seen (and tried), Avon Stardust in Cherry Dazzler.

Aceasta gama de oje - efect nisipos - contine 7 nuante, de la culori deschise pana la culori inchise.
This range of nail polish - sand type effect - has 7 shades, from light colors, to dark ones.

Nuanta cherry Dazzler este o combinatie de oja rosu-cireasa cu sclipici fin argintiu si auriu, creand un efect superb in sticla. Totusi, pe unghie fectul nu este atat de vizibil.

The Cherry Dazzler shade is a combination of cherry-red nail polish, silver and gold fine glitter, creating a beautiful effect in the bottle.However, on the nails, the effect is not so visible.

Aplicarea etse usoara, efectul obtinandu-se prin aplicarea a doua straturi.
The application is easy, the perfect effect obtained by applying two coats of nail varnish.

A rezistat destul de bine pe unghiile mele, aproape 4 zile, prezentand urme usoare de tocire pe varfurile anumitor unghii.Efectul nisipos este subtil,oferind o anumita eleganta unghiilor.

It lasted quite well on my nails, almost 4 days with small signs of wear of on the tip of some nails.The sand effect is subtle, offering elegance to the nails.

Cred ca oja este perfecta pentru Craciun, culoarea si efectul acesteia evidentiindu-ti unghiile.
I think the nail polish is perfect for Christmas, the color and the effect making your nails to stand out :-).

Poza facuta in lumina directa  a soarelui, dupa 3 zile de purtare:
Picture taken in direct sun light, after 3 days:

Aveti o oja rosie speciala pentru Craciun?
Do you have e special red nail polish for Christmas?

Stati aproape blogului pentru alte nuante de rosu potrivite de Craciun.
Stay tune for other Christmas Red nail polish.

See U Soon!