Mai intai de toate o mica precizare: nu vreau sa ma laud cu cadourile, vreau sa impart cu voi aceste lucruri minuate ce le-am primit si poate sa va inspir pentr cadourile pe care le puteti face prietenelor, mamelor sau matusilor.
First of all a little disclaimer: I do not want to brag with my gifts, I just want to share with you the lovely things I've received and maybe inspire you what to give to your friends, your mother or aunts.
Am primit cadouri superbe.
I've received lovely presents.
Imi doream de mult timp o oglinda cu lumina incorporata, iar acesta a fost cadoul perfect ♥.Desi lumina nu este prea puternica (asa ca daca este intuneric in camera doar oglinda nu va fi suficienta) e perfecta pentru mine. Are doua oglinzi, una normala si una ce mareste de 5 ori.
I wanted for so long a mirror with light, this was a perfect gift ♥. Although the light is not to strong (so if it's dark in the room only the mirror will not be enough) it is perfect for me. It has 2 mirrors, a normal one and a magnifier one (5 times).
Am primit si o genata frumoasa din piele, intr-o culoare nude, marimea perfecta: nici pre mare, nici prea mica, suficienta sa imi incapa toate lucrurile in ea (cred ca a sosit vremea sa mai fac o postare de tipul "ce se gaseste in genata mea" , nu?)
I received a beautiful leather bag, in a nude color, the perfect size: not to big, not to small, enough to fit all my stuff (I think it's time to do a new post what's in my bag, right?).
Am primit si urmatoarele veste moi.
I also received these beautiful furry/fluffy vest.
Una din prietenele mele mi-a daruit acest tricou dragut. Iubesc mesajul si culoarea.Imi place ca nu este mulat (am forme, sa spun mai frumos ☺), iar acesta este un tricou mai largut.
One of my friends got me this cute T-shirt. I love the message and the color. I love that is not so fit (I have curves, to say it nice ☺ ) and this is a loose T-shirt.
Am primit si bijuterii frumoase.
I also received some beautiful jewelry.
Si bineinteles am primit (mi-am cumparat cu banii primiti ☺) prodse de make-up.
And of course I received (bought with the cash I received ☺) make-up product.
Am cumparat fondul de ten Astor Perfect Stay, oja Nicole by OPI - "Alex by the Books", oja essence "A hint of love", essence blush de obraz Hello Autumn, essence creion de ochi in nuanta "Feel the Eclipse" si am primit un luciu de buze mat de la Rimmel Apocalips.
I bought the Astor Perfect Stay Foundation, Nicole by OPI - "Alex by the Books" nail polish, Esence "A hint of love" nail polish, essence Hello Autumn blush, essence "feel the eclipse" eye pencil and I received a Maybelline Apocalips Matte Lip Velvet Laquer.
Mi-am cumparat si noul fond de ten Rimmel - Lasting Finish, pachetul cu baza peel off de la Miss Sporty si oja Funtasy si o noua oja Miss Sporty Crush on You.
I also bought the new Rimmel foundation - Lasting Finish , the Miss Sporty peel off base coat and Funtasy nail polish and a Miss Sporty Crush on you nail polish.
Imi plac cadourile la nebunie si vreau sa le multumesc prietenilor si familiei pentru urarile lor si cadouri.
I love all my presents and I want to thank all my friends and family for their wishes and gifts.
Sper ca aceasta posare sa va inspire pentru sezonul ce urmeaza, al cadourilor.
Hope you can get also some inspiration from this post for the upcoming season.
See U Soon!