sâmbătă, 20 septembrie 2014

LOTD: Lancome

In perioada 18-21 septembrie Lancome impreuna cu magazinul Kendra desfasoara o campanie prin care doritoarele sunt sfatuite de make-up artistii Lancome in realizarea un machiaj day to day, office.

joi, 18 septembrie 2014

Goodies: August & September 2014

Cred ca am fost o fata buna si in ultima vreme colectia mea de cosmetice a pastrat proportiile de pana acum.
Cele cateva "lucrusoare" ce vi le voi arata , jur, erau necesare! Jur! ☺

I think I have been a good girl and lately my beauty collection stayed at the same proprotion as always.
The few bits and bobs I will show you, I swear, they were necessary! I swear! ☺

Sa vedem...
In august am plasat o comanda pe 1001cosmetice.ro si am cumparat urmatoarele:
Let's see...
In August I made an order on 1001cosmetice.ro and bought the following:
Oja o puteti vedea AICI, pudra era necesara, iar corectorul Catrice a fost o curiozitate.Am auzit lucruri bune despre el, dar este cam deschis pentru pielea mea. Crema mini Nivea a fost un cadou, la fel si mostrele de crema si fond de ten.

The nail polish you can see HERE, the powder was necessary and the Catrice concealer was a curiosity. I heard good things about it, but it's a bit to fair for my skin. The Nivea mini cream was a gifts as well as the Garnier and LÓreal samples.

Urmatoarele lucruri adaugate colectiei au fost mascara si creionul albastru de la Avon:
The next things added to my collection were the blue mascara and eyeliner from Avon:

O scurta vizita la magazinul meu Lidl si a trebuit sa aduc acasa gelul de dus Cien fructe de padure.
A short visit to my local Lidl store and I had to bring home the Cien Berry dreams shower gel.
Si aceasta a fost luna august. Cred ca a fost ok ☺
And this was August.I think I did ok :-)

In septembrie, pana acum, am cumparat urmatoarele:
In September, until now, I bought the following:
De la stanga la dreapta:
-  masca de par Placenta de la Kallos, un produs folosit in mod regulat de mine, in general pe post de balsam. Parul meu se impaca ok cu ea.
- un gel anti-bacterian pentru genata, nu stii niciodata cand este necesar.
- balsamurile de buze Maybelline Baby lips sunt in sfarsit disponibile la noi in tara si mi l-am luat pe cel clasic cu factor de protectie.
- aveam nevoie de un fond de ten usor asa ca am ales crema CC Elmiplant. Am primit cadou un pachet de servetele demachiante.
- lotiunea mea micelara Garnier este pe terminate asa ca mi-am achizitionat lotiunea micelara LÓreal, pe care am mai folosit-o si mi-a placut.
- deoarece lotiunea mea tonica de la LÓreal este si ea pe terminatea a trebuit sa cumpar una noua. Am decis sa incerc lotiunea de fata de la Alverde cu alge marine pentru ten normal si mixt.
- deodorantul Gerovital era la reducere si am zis sa il incerc (deodorantul meu B.U. era pe terminate)

From left to right:
- the hair mask with Placenta from Kallos is a regular of mine, it goes OK with my hair, I use it as a conditioner.
- the anti-bacterial hand sanitizer I bought it for my purse, you do not know when it's necessary.
-  the Maybelline's Babby lips are finally available in my country so I got myself the classic one, with SPF protection.
- I needed a light foundation so I chose the Elmiplant CC cream. As a gift I received removing make-up napkins.
- My Garnier micellar cleansing water is almost over so I bought the Lóreal Micellar one, which I already used and I loved it.
- Because my tonic lotion from LÓreal is almost over I had to buy another one. This time I gave a chance to Alverde tonic lotion with sea weeds for normal and mixed skin, let's see how it does.
- the Gerovital deo spray was on sale and I taught to give it  try (and my BU one was almost over).

Asa cum cititi, toate erau necesare, iar eu, ca o norocosa, am obtinut preturi bune la produse!
As you can read all of them were needed and lucky me, they had very good prices!

Dupa cum bine stiti sampoanele uscate Batiste sunt disponibile acum in Romania in magazinele Douglas si farmaciile Sensiblu (de aici mi l-am cumparat pe al meu). Am vrut sa le incerc de ceva vreme, dar erau mai greu de procurat. Acum sunt usor de gasit si au o gama larga (normal, cu cocos, floral,pentru brunete, pentru volum etc.). Eu l-am ales pe cel floral si miroase foarte bine.
Ii voi face in curand un review.

As you already know, the Batiste dry shampoos are available in our country in Douglas and Sensiblu pharmacies (that is were I bought mine). I wanted to try them from a long time, but were hard to get your hands on them. Now they are easy to find and they have a lot of choices (normal, coconut scent, flowers scent, for brunettes, for volume etc.). I chose the Blush one (floral)  and smells very well.
Soon I will do a review.

Inca sunt in cautarea samponului perfect pentru parul meu (gras) si m-am gandit sa incerc noua gama de la Farmec. Am ales varaianta cu ghimbir si catina. Pana in acest moment nu sunt impresionata .

I am still looking for the perfect shampoo for my hair (greasy) and I tough I should give a go to the new Farmec shampoo range. I chose the one with ginger and seabuckthorn. So far I am not impressed .

Ultima aventura in materie de cumparaturi s-a intamplat in Auchan.
My last shopping spree was from Auchan.
Toate au fost in cosurile de reducere si sunt foarte multumita de ele.
Cele doua rujuri L'Oreal Shine Caresse sunt 101 Lolita si 102 Romy. Sunt destul de apoase, dar odata ce le aplici isi schimba consistenta si rezista bine pe buze.

All were on sale, in the special price area and I am very pleased with them.
The two L'Oreal Shine Caresse lipsticks are 101 Lolita and 102 Romy. They are very watery but once you apply them on your lips they change their consistency and stay very well on the lips.
Luciul de buze Revlon este din gama Colorburst, nuanta Embellished, o nuanta frumoasa, cu putin sclipici.
The Revlon gloss is Colorburst in Embellished, a beautiful, a bit sparkly, berry color.
Quad-ul Revlon ColorStay este in nuanta Seductive.
The eye shadow quad is Revlon ColorStay in Seductive.

Toata lumea lauda noul top coat Farmec 3D asa ca a trebuit sa mi-l cumpar si eu.
Recunosc ca prima oara cand l-am folosit s-a comportat foarte urat, a creat bule de aer pe unghiile mele. Trebuie sa il mai folosesc de cateva ori sa vad cum se comporta.

Every body is raving the new Farmec 3D top coat so I had to buy it.
I must admit the first time I used it was awful, it created lots of air bubbles on my nails. I must use it a few more times to see how it goes.

Asa cum ati vazut cred ca am fost o fata cuminte. Sper sa fiu asa pana in octombrie cand voi zbura la Londra ☺.
As you have seen I think I was a good girl. Hope I will be like this till October when I fly to London ☺.

Ce produse de beauty/make-up v-ati cumparat voi in ultima vreme?
What make-up/beauty products have you bought lately?

See U Soon! 

luni, 15 septembrie 2014

duminică, 14 septembrie 2014

Reviste si cadouri: Septembrie 2014

Ma chinui sa scriu acest articol de o saptamana, si nu stiu de ce, dar nu am avut starea de spirit necesara sa faca acest lucru (nici timp nu am avut prea mult, dar m-as fi putut descurca).
Asa ca imi cer scuze ca acest articol vine asa tarziu, dar am vrut totusi sa va spun cate ceva despre revistele cumparte.

marți, 2 septembrie 2014