Anul acesta Rimmel London a lansat in colaborare cu Rita Ora o colectie de oje si balsamuri de buze colorate.
In Romania numai colectia de oje este prezenta (si cred ca nu toate nuantele).
This year Rimmel London launched in collaboration with Rita Ora a nail polish and a color balm collection.
In our country only the nail polishes are available (and I believe not all the colors).
Astazi am sa va arat swatch-urile a cinci dintre cele zece nuante de oja pe care le-am gasit si cumparat.
Toate pozele sunt in lumina naturala (in caz contrar am sa va anunt), oja plicata in doua straturi, fara top coat.
Fac parte din gama 60 de secunde, prin urmare se usuca repede.
Today I'll show you swatches of the five of the ten colors I've found and bought.
All the pictures are in natural light (or I will tell you otherwise), applied in two coats, without top coat.
They are part of their 60 seconds range, so they dry fast.
703 White Hot Love
O nuanta placuta de alb, cu un shimmer foarte fin, putin vizibil pe unghie.
E opaca, are o acoperire buna intr-un strat, cea mai buna acoperire o are in doua straturi.
It's a white nail polish with fine shimmer that is not visible on the nails.
It's opaque, has a good coverage in one coat, better coverage in two coats.
203 Lose Your Lingerie
O nuanta de roz pal cu shimmer foarte fin, foarte greu de observat pe unghii.
A pale pink shade with fine shimmer very hard to see on the nails.
873 Breakfast in Bed
O nuanta de verde min pal cu shimmer fin ca si cele anterioare. Culoarea a fost greu de surprins in poze si depinde de setarile monitorului calculatorului.
A pale mint green with fine shimmer as the other two.The color was very hard to catch in pictures and depends on your PC/laptop monitor.
853 Pillow Talk
O nuanta pala de albastru, cu shimmer fin.
A pale baby blue, with fine shimmer.
323 Don't Be Shy
O culoare vibranta de roz, o oja cremoasa, usor de aplicat.
Intr-un strat arata foarte bine pe unghii.
It's a vibrant pink color, a creamy nail polish, easy to apply.
One coat looks good on the nails.
Nu ratati urmatoarele cinci nuante ale colectiei, intr-o noua postare pe blog.
Din nuantele prezentate mai sus, care v-a placut cel mai mult?
Don't miss the next five nail polishes from the collection, coming very soon on the blog.
Which shade from these five were your favorite?
See U Soon!