marți, 12 martie 2013

Polish Days - Vintage

Hello, hello!
Iata ca a sosit vremea postarii Polish Days.
M-am temut ca in aceasta luna nu se va tine, dar Hannah ne-a reamintit de colaborare si ne-a transmis tema acestei luni : vintage.
It's time for the Polish Days post.
I feared that this month will skip the post but Hannah reminded us by sending our March theme: Vintage.

Recunosc m-am speriat putin cand am vazut tema si am incercat sa ma documentez asupra acestor tipuri de manichiuri.Am ajuns la printurile vintage, cu dantele si inflorituri in alb si negru.A fost ocazia perfecta de a incerca si o noua tehnica de manichiura, denumita clasic "tehnica ziarului", dar reinterpretata.
I admit I freaked a little when I saw the theme and I tried to research on these type of manicures. I've found the vintage prints in white and black. This was the perfect opportunity to try a new technique, the newspaper technique, but with a twist.

Va las cu manichiura mea, desi nu este perfecta, fiind prima incercare cu aceasta tehnica.
Promit sa ma perfectionez.
Oja de baza este Essence Snow Jam - nuanta 04 Top of the Ice Stream.
I leave you with my nails, although my manicure is not perfect, being my first time using this technique. I promise I will get better at this.
The base is Essnece Snow Jam collection in numeber 04 Top Of The Ice-Stream.

Nu uitati sa treceti si pe la restul fetelor sa vedeti interpretarea lor.
Don't forget to go to the rest of the girls to see their interpretation of vintage.
See U Next Time!