miercuri, 3 iunie 2015

LWP (88)

A mai trecut o saptamana, inca o postare Last Week Photos (Pozele Sapatamanii Trecute) :-)
Another week has gone, another Last Week Photos post :-)

Breakfast @RamadaParc / Micul dejun la Ramada Parc

Today's manicure (Monday) / Manichiuria de luni

Happy, happy, gifts from Italy 😍@kikocosmeticsofficial . Thanks Cristina. / Bucuroasa,bucuroasa, daruri din Italia - Kiko. Multumesc Cristina!

Cirese de mai

After this emotional day it's good to have flowers and dandelions / Dupa aceasta zi emotionala e bine sa ai flori si papadii


Desert time w/ Cristina @ Ikea / Desert impreuna cu Cristina la Ikea

A new blog post is up: my @Lancomeofficial makeup in the new @Debenhams_Romania store - HERE  / O noua postare pe blog: machiajul meu Lancome in magazinul Debenhams - AICI

After the evening run. Not a glorious face ☺ / Dupa alergarea de seara. O fata nu prea reusita :-)

Wish you a good week!
See U Soon!