Ce mai faceti? Sper ca aceasta saptamana sa va gaseasca voioase/voiosi si pregatite/i pentru noi proiecte.
Eu nu sar in sus de bucurie, dar sunt multumita. Dieta este in parametrii normali, iar aceasta ar fi ultima mea saptamana. Incepand cu saptamana viitoare ar trebuie sa imi schimb obiceiurile alimentare pentru a nu munci acum in van. Vom vedea cum merg lucrurile.
How are you? :-D Hope this week founds you happy and ready for new projects :-)
I am not extremely happy but I'm doing ok:-) My diet goes well and this week should be my last.
Starting next week I should change my eating habits. We will see how that goes!
Destul cu vorbaria, sa trecem la treaba :-P
Iata in imagini cum a fost saptamana mea:
But enough with small talk, let's get to business :-P
This is how my last week went through images :
Ati vazut cutiile aniversare Vichy? Au cadou o mini apa termala si o mini crema Aqua Thermal pe langa produsul initial . Ghiciti ce varianta mi-am luat? / There is a Vichy promotion in pharmacy these days and be sure to chek it out!
Last week I've shown you another Avon Stardust nail polish - details HERE. / Saptamana trecuta v-am aratat inca o oja nisipoasa Avon - colectia Stardust - detalii AICI.
I tried a DIY project for Valentine's Day - more details HERE / Am incercat un tutorial DIY (do it yourself) cu ocazia Sf. Valentin - detalii AICI
I celebrated Valentine's Day with a simple special manicure - details HERE / Am sarbatorit ziua de Sf. Valentin printr-o manichiura simpla, dar in tema ;-) - detalii AICI
"Nobody can be uncheered with a baloon" - A.A.Milne
It's OK for the first week!
Nu a fost o saptamana bogata in poze insa a fost una bogata in postari. Sper ca v-au placut toate.
Saptamana faina!
It wasn't a week full of pictures but it was one full of blog poste. Hope you enjoyed all of them!
Have a great week!
See U Soon!