sâmbătă, 5 iulie 2014

NOTD: Night Man

Nu stiu daca titlul va spune ceva legat de urmatoarea manichiura, dar eu va pot spune ca este o combinatie intre doua oje de tip sand (nisip sau texturate). Puteti ghici care sunt?
I do not know if the title says something about the next manicure, but I can tell you is a combination of two sand type ones. Can you guess which ones?
Iata manichiura mea, stiti care sunt?
Here is my manicure, do you know now?

Ambele oje au fost prezentate in prealabil pe blog.
Sunt de la aceeasi companie, dar diferite branduri/colectii ☺

Both of the nail polishes were previously shown on my blog.
They are from the same company, but different brands/collections ☺

Stiti? Am sa vi le arat.
You know now?
Let me show you .

Prima este Nicole by OPI Gumdrops in nuanta Cinna-Man of My Dreams, o nuanta cupru cu particule fine de glitter, rosii, argintii si aurii (o puteti vede in postarea originala AICI). Este aplicata in doua straturi pentru efectul perfect de nisip.

The first one is the Nicole by OPI Gumdrops in Cinna-Man of My Dreams, a copper shade with small hints of silver,red and golden glitter (you can see it on her own HERE).It's applied in two coats for the perfect sand effect.

Cea de a doua este OPI Sand Stay the Night, prima mea oja din categoria nisipoase/texturate.
Este o oja neagra cu glitter rosu si argintiu, cel mai bine vizibil in doua straturi. De fapt, efectul de nisip nu este vizibil daca oja e aplicata intr-un strat (o puteti vedea si AICI).

The second one is the OPI Sand Stay the Night, my first nail polish of this kind.
It's a black nail polish with red and silver glitter, best shown if applied in two coats. Actually in one coat the sand effect is not even present (you can see it on her own HERE).

Mi-a placut aceasta combinatie si am purtat manichiura timp de 3 zile.
Toate pozele sunt efectuate in lumina artificiala.
I liked the color combination and I wore this manicure for 3 days. 
All the pictures are taken under artificial light.

Care este oja voastra preferata din categoria nisipoase/texturate?
What is your favorite sand style nail polish?

See U Soon!